Part 16: The Truth

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"Bye, boo. Enjoy school!" I shouted over to Clementine, who jumped out of the car eager to get to her learning whereas I stayed in the drivers seat, my window rolled down. She turned her turns body over to me, giving me a big gleeful smile with her teeth then spun around again, heading towards the gates. Once I saw she was safely inside, I rolled up my window and drove over to my job.

"Move your elbow, Jesus" Mia grunted to me, angrily shoving my elbow out of her way - causing me to react to her by giving her a glance of evils before facing the road again. She slumped into the passenger seat, peering out the window.
"Kenny's gotta run everything hasn't he?" She giggled to me, running her hand through her hair in a pretty manner. I simply shrugged my shoulders at her, chewing my tongue.
"Well I mean... not everything" she slanted her head over at me, raising up two eyebrows.

"Shut up" I spoke under my breath, rubbing my tired eyes. However, she just laughed up at me, shaking her head.

"What? You got your doctor in your bed. It's what you wanted wasn't it?" She reminded me, pointing a finger over at me while sitting up at her seat.

"I'm beginning to think it was a mistake" I also added on, glancing between her and the road.
"He's my therapist and... and I don't want to force my downfall onto him" I quietly spoke, my voice becoming more shaken the more I spoke.

"Don't let Kenny get into your head" she waved her hands at me, speaking in her serious tone she used to always do whenever I doubted myself. She opened her mouth to say more, however I spoke over.

"I'm not taking advice from something in my head. Better yet, my dead best friend"

Hannibal's POV

With delicacy, I placed a plate full of oysters and nuts beside graces father, who had been tied to one of my favourable wooden chairs that was imported. As I was doing so, his eyes followed my every movement. I then sat myself down in front of him, slanting my head over while he had a gag in his mouth and blood all over himself - he was a fierce once he saw me slice his partners throat. I then raised my arm up to him to take off the gag - causing him to flinch away from me, gasping under his gag - and I ragged it out of his mouth. He took in deep, thirsty gasps.

"Where the fuck were you?" He grunted to me, eyeing the food then me. It made me smile, seeing him fear over me - which he should.

"I had matters to attend to, nothing that concerns you" I informed him, even though it does concern him since the matter was his daughter, who is much more closed off than I suspected. I then collected a fork from the plate, stabbing into an oyster and brought it to his mouth. Although I saw his hesitancy, I knew he was starved. After a few moments of silence and debating, he opened his mouth and I fed him the oyster. His chewing slowed once he wanted to savour the taste of food, since I had unintentionally starved him.
"They have discovered your wife's body. Grace has been informed of the news, and the undiscovered of your corpse" I told him in my polite tone. He gulped down the oyster, so I went to collect another one.

"How is she?" He asked, which caused my movements to freeze, my eyes from the plate and up to him. Although I knew he is a poor father, his eyes said otherwise. I knew he missed his children, but it is clear they're better off without them.

"Fantastic. Of course you know that, Grace is an amazing guardian which I could not say the same for you" I laid my eyes back onto the plate, retrieving an oyster and aiming it to his mouth.

"I love them, you know?" He spat out to me, ignoring the oyster and eyeing me.
"Look, I'm sober now. If you're wanting me to be a better dad I can be" he begged, his eyes pleading for mercy. I tutted my tongue at him, dropping my arm onto my lap.

"That won't do" I scoffed to him, leaning closer to his face. In a swift motion, I grabbed his cheeks and he let out a cry to me, attempting to escape my grasp but he was weak, beaten down.
"You had 26 years to become sober" I reminded him, tilting my head.

Graces POV

I hurried my way out of my work building, taking in deep breaths as I did so, passing by workers, residents or visitors. Once I pushed open the doors, I sat on the wall and rested my head in my hands. I went to wake another resident with the company of their family, allowing them to walk in on their dead relative who passed in their sleep but their cries, their screams reminded me I should feel like that when I heard my parents death. Instead, I never had a bond, never had discipline. I got nothing. And here I am, blaming myself? I hate them but... I also miss having parents at the same time.


I kept my tired eyes on the road, wiping my cheek with my hand then placing it back onto the steering wheel, turning right into my drive way. Suddenly, the car began to make some strange noises and slowed its acceleration, making random jolts.

"No, no, no! NO!" I began to scream, frantically pushing down on the accelerator until it went dead. Although I wasn't where I was desired to park, it was out of the road atleast so I put on my hand brake, slamming open my door and popping the hood. The second I did so, smoke hit my face. I coughed at the fumes, wafting it out of my face to see the smoke was coming from the battery. Now that I know it's nothing I can fix, I slammed the hood down and stormed to my front door. I jingled my door keys, trying to collect the correct one until it fell by my feet. I just stared at the keys, holding in my breath to prevent my angered tears to fall.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid fucking keys" I cried to myself, swooping down to grab them. Once I unlocked the door, I dropped my bag to the side and tossed my keys somewhere on the table. I rushed to take off my jacket, leaving that on the floor also as I went over to the kitchen to fix myself a drink. The house was dim, due to no lights being on and I was one for saving electricity if it meant saving money. However, now Vincent works 2 jobs one being paper round and the other pot washing, it made budgeting easier. Once I flipped the switch, my hairs stuck up, my breath stopped and I felt like I had been Morphed into the floor, as I couldn't move what so ever at the horrific sight in my kitchen.

Hannibal's POV

While I was rolling up my drawings, placing a rubber band around them to preserve them in their roll, I received a phone call. I peered down at it to see Graces number, which brought a smile to myself. I placed my drawers on my chair and went to pick up, about to take a deep breath in to speak however she was quicker than I was - much quicker.

"H-Hannibal, please please come to mine. I-I don't know what to do" she cried to me, her breath shakier than ever. I raised an eyebrow to myself, since I knew The sight I left her but she mustn't know - not yet.

"May I ask what it is?" I questioned her, walking over to collect my coat.

"My dad! My dads in my kitchen" she told me, more like shouted.
"His eyes are gone, I-I can't look at him anymore please! Please, please, please! I can't let my kids see this, I need you" she begged. I need you? I know you need me Grace.

"Shh, shh, shh. I'll call Jack, we're all coming to help you" I promised her.

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