Part 25: Theyre Mine

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Rudely, I was awoken by the Chirps of birds outside my window, squawking and screaming by the second. Suddenly, my head began to have a throbbing beating pain causing me to let out a long groan, holding onto my forehead in search for any relief.

"You're awake"

Oh fuck

After having a long moment of debating whether I look up or not, I began to cringe to myself as I slowly raised my head up on the pillow revealing my unbrushed hair, smudged makeup and hungover face to Hannibal who was looking down at me with one hand on his hip with an unamused face, while holding a cup of water.

"You should've done a mercy kill" I mumbled to him, resting my eyes again however he placed the cup of water down and raised me up slowly. Instantly, I felt my mouth began to suddenly water.
"Move!" I shrieked, jogging over to the toilet. With my vision dizzy and stomach woozy, it felt like I was genuine death and frankly it did make me want to die. I rushed to drop to my knees in front of the toilet and instantly, sick...

Soon, I felt Hannibal's voice become louder.
"Shhh, it's okay" he promised me. However, suddenly his voice distorted into Mias voice.
"I'm right beside you" Mia added on, so softly. Feeling Hannibal's hand on my back suddenly feel like mias presence around me, her long hair brushing my shoulders and she rubbed circles around my back, occupying my thoughts.

"Please..." I cried to Hannibal, attempting to shake his hand off him but it resulting in a poor flinch.

"Hey, hey I've got you" Mia spoke out again, speaking me to me in her angelic tone. My breath becoming shakier as I couldn't even raise my heavy eyelids never mind move a limb.

"'No! Get off!" I begged, pathetically sobbing into the toilet. Hannibal flinched his hand away from me, sighing beside me as he left me to cry and hurl alone.


I wiped away the cold water from my face by wiping it with my shirt sleeve as I took easy steps into the living room, revealing Hannibal sat on the couches, holding onto a coffee cup while aimlessly staring at a pillow. Instantly, the grief began to sink into me seeing him seem so... not himself. I opened my mouth to say something to him, however I was rudely interrupted by knocks at my door. Instantly, both Hannibal's and I's eyes locked for a moment before I took easy steps to the front door. With hesitancy, I finally opened up the door revealing a woman dressed in formal attire with a serious face on.

"...can I help you?" I grumbled to her, attempting to act as sober as I could however I sounded... surprisingly like death. She cringed at my face a little, before clearing her throat.

"I'm Carol" she held her hand out to shake but as I went to grab it, she rushed to place her hand by her side, subtly wiping on her skirt leaving me with my jaw slightly dropped at her, tilting my head over. Then, Hannibal appeared by my side.
"I'm with child protective services. You must me.. Miss. Washington?" She raised an eyebrow over at me.

Oh fuck indeed

"Y-Yes I am-" I awkwardly went on to say however Hannibal swooped in to save the day.

"Hello... Carol. I'm apart of the FBI working on the Washington case, this is indeed Miss. Washington but I assure you the children are being taken care of" Hannibal assured her, tilting his head over at her at an angle, subtly pulling a look.

"I assure you... sir, that I must be the one to conclude that" Carol rudely pointed out, looking Hannibal up and down like some muppet. Hannibal raised both eyebrows up at her for a moment, clicking his tongue before he spoke.

"Doctor" he corrected, allowing his eyes to burn into her. The atmosphere then mellowed into awkwardness as nobody spoke a word, but exchanged looks.

"The kids aren't here, they're else where and now is not a good time" I cried to her, attempting to keep my words clear. Carol then dramatically checked her watch, analysing the seconds going by.

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