Part 20: The Case File

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"Jack I assure you, she was with me" Hannibal jumped in to say to Crawford, who didn't allow his eyes off of me. I stayed stood, sheepish, my head tilted down, arms crossed while kicking some dust off my floor. As much as I tried to act as he saw me before, I simply couldn't.

"So... you arrived here at 5 with Grace and you just... found him?" Jack flipped a page in his notebook, wafting his hand in the air as he spoke with a pen stuck between two fingers.

"Correct" Hannibal sternly replied, holding eye contact - as did Jack.

"For the move" I added on, catching jacks attention but with a raised eyebrow.
"I'm moving" I rephrased, gulping up at him.

"How exciting. May I ask where?" He questioned, taking a step closer to me however I did not break a sweat.

"I haven't figured it out yet, but I just want my kids and myself out of this house" I informed Jack, who stopped by my feet. After a long moment of staring downs, he did a 'hmph' while raising his head up at me slightly. I kept my arms crossed, my innocent eyes on the agent, however I felt Hannibal's eyes run up and down me.

"Then you wouldn't mind showing me your room?" He inquired, closing his notepad up quickly and going upstairs without my permission. I went to stop him, however Hannibal laid a hand on my shoulder, shaking his head for me to not act. As much as I wanted to, I'll obey whatever he says for now since I've never been in this whole cat and mouse game - and not a fun one either.


Hannibal and I followed behind jack, who bursted open the door half expecting a scene, but Hannibal had filled up my wardrobe, replaced my Polaroid wall - as if I never had a tantrum in it. Jack took a few steps in, his eyes wide as he traced his glands across the room.

"Jack, may I ask what you were asking to find?" Hannibal raised an eyebrow up, slanting his head as he pulled a puzzled look up at the agent who frankly had a good sense, but so did Hannibal. I followed in last, tucking my dried hair behind my ear. Jack spun around, taking in a deep breath at Hannibal then began a huge... huge rant.

"This is all seeming too strange now, Dr. Lecter. That woman standing behind you is up to no good. She has links to a..l...l..." then Jacks pathetic voice faded into the back of my mind, as did the rest of my surroundings. My entire body went cold, my feet were stuck to the floor again and I couldn't scream, cry, think. I was stuck in this endless loophole of staring at my dead ex boyfriend in the corner of my room. Sometimes my hallucinations scare me, but this one was more malevolent and made me question if he was real or not. Kenny stood in the dark where the sun didn't hit, more or less behind jack, his dead eyes stared down at me while his shoulders sagged, his mouth opened with a little fountain of blood dripping out. He looked exactly like he did in my kitchen, red with lots of slashes and holes. How could I be capable of something like that? I can't be... I'm a good person! I am... really... I hope.

I then realised I stopped breathing again as I began to take in short breaths but never exhaled, my brain screaming at me to breathe and as much as I tried to, I never let out the breath. I collapsed to my knees, trying to breathe and then after not too long, Hannibal cupped my face - even though I didn't hear or see him coming - and he tried to talk to me, looking into my eyes however I still couldn't hear him apart from the loud beep in my ears. Then, jack slowly walked into my view and Kenny was stood behind him again.... Coincidence or not? Kenny still kept his white eyes on me, blood dripping from his mouth.

Hannibal's POV

The car ride home was silent. After I had taken Grace back home, tucked her in a warm cozy bed and to collect her siblings. I never realised how much Grace talked to keep a conversation for her siblings and i to have and without her, there wasn't much of a topic.

His favourite Toyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें