A small smile slipped onto her pink lips.

"Hello Sasuke, Naruto." Her voice was like the soft chiming of bells. Naruto smiled back. I gave her a nod in acknowledgement. She seemed a bit hurt at that but still kept smiling. A twinge of guilt shot through me.

"Do you have your project done Sasuke?" She asked me politely. Naruto answered for me.

"Yeah, and its beautiful! You look so pretty Hinata-chan!!" He practically shouted at her with a grin on his stupid face. She blushed softly, her large doe like eyes gazing at me. I shifted my eyes to her sketchbook that she was fiddling with.

"Oh um...heres's my finished part.." she said softly handing it to me. I took it from her and began to page through it. She was amazing. Everything looked so realistic. Then I stopped. I was staring at myself. It was like a mirror. Onyx eyes stared at me, everything so perfect. Naruto peeked over at it and his jaw dropped.

"Did you do that Hinata-chan? ITS FLIPPING AMAZING!!!" He yelled. Hinatas face went a deep red, and she smiled. That amazing smile that I missed oh so much. Violet eyes shifted to meet mine in a soft gaze. I was lost, deep into their depths. The world slowed down, and all I could pay attention to was her opal like orbs. Her lips moved but no sound came out. Soft pink lips, like candy.

"Sas...sasuk...sasuke..Sasuke!!" I heard my name shout in my ear. I looked over at Naruto startled. He quirked a brow at me.

"You ok teme?" I nodded, brushing it off.

"Im sorry, what did you say Hinata?" She smiled softly.

"Ah its nothing." She said. With that she turned around, and began to pace back down to the door.

"H-hinata-chan!" I called out. She paused and turned to look at me.

"Yes Sasuke-kun?" I didnt realize that I stood up. I felt breathless, as I gazed at her.

"Can..can I see you sometime?" She blushed slightly, a bit surprised. Then she gave me a closed eye smile.

"Sure. I'd love that." With that she turned and walked out the door. Everyone looked at me surprised. I looked at them.

"What?" I asked coldly. They all looked away quickly. I sat down, glancing at Naruto. He looked at me concerned.

"Dude..what about Karin?" I shrugged nonchalantly.

"What she wont know wont hurt her." I said indifferently. Naruto just stared before looking away.

"Whatever man.."

Whats his problem? I thought softly.


I was anxious to see her. So I stopped at her house. A bit of short notice but hey, I didnt have her phone number. Pulling up in her drive way, I got out and made my way to her door. As soon as I rang the door bell, a thundering bark boomed. I looked at the door startled. Was that a dog? I never knew Hinata had a dog!

The door opened slightly, revealing a towering beast. Or in this case a gigantic great dane!! I froze, waiting for it to start growling or something. It stared at me, curiously looking me over. During the moment of silence, I quickly studied the dog. It was a big black dane, a white pendant of the Hyuuga clan hung on its silver chain collar. His eyes were mismatched, pretty rare. Right eye blue, left eye brown. I heard the pacing of claws on tile coming towards us. Another great dane peeked at me beside the black one. This one was white. It was like Yin and Yang. His eyes were also mismatched but the opposite of the first one. Both of them stood at stomach level with me.

"Cain, Abel who's at the door?" A Hinata wrapped in just a towel, opened the door further. She looked at me surprised.

"S-sasuke-kun?!" She stuttered, a blush creeping on her face. I gave a nervous wave.

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