"Your gonna come with me." Damon explains "Don't worry I've already compelled the receptionist that you had a medical appointment. Hold on tight." Damon pulls her onto his back and vamps speed to a bricked building.

"Seriously? Could have given me a better warning." Aria huffs getting off his back, noticing a familiar blonde she glares at Damon. "What did you do?"

"I needed a human that wouldn't affect the watch and well for some reason you make the needle go crazy, so blondie had to do." Damon shrugs.

"Brilliant," Aria mutters walking towards Caroline.

"Aria? What are you doing here?" Caroline tilts her head to the slide in confusion making Aria sighs "I guess a conversation will be needed after this."

"What? Conversation? About what?"

Aria smiles sadly at Caroline "I promise I will tell you everything tonight all right?"

"Okay sure. But you are safe right?" Caroline looks towards Damon suspiciously.

Aria nods her head "Yeah. I promise I will be fine. I'll meet you at the Grill?"

"Okay, I'll see you soon" Caroline walks away handing Damon the golden watch seeing the needle point towards him and then change to Aria's direction.

Aira furrows her eyebrows "I thought it was to catch vampires."

"It is."

"Then why does it change from you to me to the building?" Aria says confused.

"I'm not sure. Let's deal with Logan first then we'll sort out what's going on with you. " Damon says a little softness in his voice knowing Aria was getting scared about who and what she is.

Damon opens the side door and the pair walk slowly into the building, seeing the place with no lights on and pretty much in darkness. Walking through the rows of shelves suddenly the sound of a gun going off makes Aria freeze her movements.

Aria's eyes widen as Damon falls onto his knees with more bullets are fired at his body. "Where's your little pal? Huh?"

"I know you're here Aria come out come out wherever you are." Logan sings shooting another bullet into Damon's chest.

With new rage and anger consuming her she runs out from behind the selves and steps in-between logan and Damon. Protecting him from getting shot again and putting her hands out in Infront of her to defend herself making Logan fly across the room and slam his back off the bricked wall.

"Could you not have done that before I got shot." Damon mumbles in pain.

Aria narrows her eyes at the vampire on the floor "Yeah because I can just flick my hands and can do whatever I just did."

Logan slowly gets up , stretching his back with a smirk holding his gun "There she is. I do have to say that was surprising however I have tons of these wooden bullets, so nothing funky."

"You don't want to do this trust me." Damon states making logan shoot another bullet into his shoulder.

Aria gasps "Damon" she hated that she could only control her powers sometimes and now when she needed it the most she couldn't control it.

"That's what you get" Logan shrugs.

"For what?"

"You made me like this."

"I killed you but I didn't turn you," Damon states sitting up on the floor.

Logan pulls out one of the wooden bullets from Damon's chest "See, I know what you and your brother are. I've been watching the two of you. I knew you'd show up here. And I'm glad you did because I have some questions."

"For both of you." Logan glances at Aria.

"Me first. Who turned you." Damon questions ripping the bullets out of his body letting Aria help him.

"How should I know? Last thing I remember is I'm about to stake your brother and then you grab me. that's it." Logan glares down at the vampire. "Until I wake up in the ground behind a used-car dealership on highway 4."

"Someone buried you?" Aria questions horrified.

"It happens" Damon says.

"You bite me, it had to be you."

"You have to have svampied blood in your system when you die. I didn't do that." Damon explains "Some other vampire found you, gave you their blood."


"That's what I want to know" Damon and Aria say at the same time.

Logan looks at Aira and smiles "ahhh I nearly forgot about you, I never would expect the mute gilbert girl to be part of the supernatural that's for sure."

Aria rolls her eyes "Neither did I."

"My question for you is why do I have the urge to want to keep you safe and protected? It's almost as strong as the urge for blood and to feed it's so frustrating and the fact that I don't want to drink your blood but any other human I was to drain them dry."

Aria shurgs "Couldn't tell you and I'm kind of bored with this conversation so Damon let's go." Aria wraps her arm around his waist letting him lean on her as her struggles with the pain.

Logan waves the gun in the air "I don't think so." Firing the gun Aria closes her eyes scared that her abilities wouldn't help her. After a few moments she opens one of her eyes and her expression changes to disbelief.

Her and Damon were surrounded by a gold glow ball that caused the bullet to bounces off the shield and onto the floor. "Are you seeing this?" She whispers to Damon.

"Yes. But I cant tell if it's due to how much pain I'm in right now." Damon answers.

"Right. the bullets" Aria mumbles "Can you speed us out of here?" With a nod of his head, Damon uses his vampire abilities to speed them out of the building and to the Salvatore house.

Her powers are growing....

The Young Queen: Aria Rose GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now