Part 116 (He's Gone)

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Thor and the guardians sat in their ship, an unconscious Loki laying on the table.

"Your father killed my little sister." Thor growled as he spoke to Gamora.

"Step-father, technically. She hates him just as much as you!" Quill was quick to respond.

Thor growled at the statement, before looking at the woman with antennae. "Wake him up, please."

It took only a moment before Loki shot up, his breathing rapid and labored from the damage to his throat.

He looked at the unfamiliar faces before his eyes landed on his brother's sorrowful frame.

"Where..." He began to force out of a breath, but Thor's expression was enough. "No... No, no, that..." Danielle couldn't be dead. He would've felt it, he was sure. He would've known, just as he knew something was wrong during the dark elf attack. He would know.

"She told me to get you out." Thor said softly, grimly. "The guardians saw our escape pod and helped me get you back into shape."

"She... You listened to her?!" Loki seethed. "You left her?! No, no we have to go back to the sh-"

"That ship is no more than tiny fragments of space matter now." Quill quipped, unhelpfully, to the mischief god. "We circled the blast perimeter twice, no one was there."

"Then I need to go to midgard. She'd go to warn Tony, I know it."

"Loki, he blew up the ship because she was on it. There's... There's no way she could have..."

"He did that all because of her? That's overkill, even for Thanos. This is nothing other than destiny to him. That seems... Personal. Rageful." Gamora stated to the air, her eyebrows furrowed.

Thor breathed out a scorned chuckle. "She burnt half his face off. I imagine he was quite upset."

"So he's weak. We can make our move, if we can figure out where he's going."

"Knowhere." Thor responded.

"He must be going somewhere."

"Yes, he's going to Knowhere. He'll be going after the reality stone. He already had the power stone, and gained the space stone during the battle on our ship. After Elle, my little sister, surprised him, he let it slip that he'd send his flunkies to Earth for the time and mind stones. No one knows where the soul stone is, or has ever actually seen it. Thus, he's going to Knowhere for the reality stone."

"Then we go to Knowhere."

"Not all of us." Thor stated. "I need a hammer. We are going to Nivadellir."

Thor looked back at his brother, who's expression was dull, staring at the ground.

"Brother." He tried, only to meet his cold glare.

"I'm not your brother." Loki seethed.

"None of this would have happened if you hadn't taken the tesseract!" Thor countered, his voice booming around the ship.

"And I was willing to die for that mistake. But you were supposed to protect her. HER, NOT ME! YOU KNEW THAT!" He screamed back, standing to his feet. "THAT'S ALL I CARED ABOUT! AND YOU FAILED!"

They each stared at one another for a long moment, before, to Thor's surprise, Loki's tears finally fell. He grabbed his brother, pulling him to his frame though Loki resisted.

"I hate you." He whimpered against him.

"I hate you too." Thor responded through a sniffle.

"Good." Loki stated abruptly, pulling away from his brother. "That makes this far less difficult."

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