Chapter 23

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Lol sad March day- but have a happy for my soul Wednesday- Comments appreciated as always.

Amelia's POV- Buy yourself some flowers.

Well shit.

He fell asleep.

And now it's been about half an hour of him fast asleep on my bedroom floor, and I do not know what to do. It's almost eight. I can only continue pacing in the front room because I do not want to wake him up.

I made him dinner as he moved my room around, and we ate. I could see he was tired, but he was still determined to continue doing my room, so after dinner, we decided to sort my laundry out, and he was folding on my bedroom floor and passing me clothes to put away and-

Wait, can I just say that the boy cannot fold clothes to save his life.

Anyway, after that was done, I left him sitting on the floor and put a load of laundry on, and when I got back, he was laid down and fast asleep, still on my bedroom floor.

Which, at first, made me feel some warm type of way, but then when I called his name to wake him up, and he didn't wake up... I began to stress.

He has work.

I don't know how to wake him up.

Why are these things so tricky for me? Just wake the man up.

Ok. I look towards my bedroom door.

I can do this.

I go to step towards the bedroom, and then I sigh and turn back around. Instead, I sit down on the couch and psych myself to wake him up. I just need a little time.

But he might be late for work.

Oh, my days-

Just as I was about to spiral into stress, keys in the door made me look up in small delight.

Darcie opens the front door, and Tom is behind her and they're in deep conversation, not noticing me practically jump for joy.

"Guys!" I say in pure happiness.

They both freeze. "Oh, I am so happy you're back."

Darcie immediately frowns. "What is going on?"

Ok, I guess I am ten times more aminated than when she left me.

I pause, knowing she's concerned for different reasons than what I need right now, so I turn to Tom. "Tom, River fell asleep on my bedroom floor."

His eyebrows shoot up, and they exchange a look of pure confusion.

"And he has work." I clarify. "Soon. And I don't know how to-". I don't know what to say, so I just gesture in need towards my bedroom.

Tom nods. "I'll wake him up."

He heads to my room, and I am met with a Darcie look.

I shrug.

"What is he doing here?" She asks, so confused. "I- Oh god, did he come and see you because of what I said? Oh, I am sorry-"

"No, no it's ok. Yeah, he just came around. He er... changed my room around, put posters on my wall, folded clothes, and fell asleep."

She just stares at me.

She's deliberating what to say.

I smile awkwardly.

I know it sounds weird.

I am confused too.

I don't make other friends.

Darcie then decides to accept this; she nods, then we both turn our attention towards my bedroom door to the emerging sleepy River and still puzzled-looking Tom.

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