Chapter 8

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Happy reading lovelies- I am so tired from uni atm :( but lol I also decided I would like to go on to further study so hopefully I can do that :)

P.S I literally sobbed in my counselling session this week because we were doing timeline work to show how long ago things were and how much I have changed since the shit that happened and it was a really really good thing for me. So I recommend doing that- or if shit is going on right now- remmeber that although it is a huge ass moment in your life right now- at some point you will be so far away from it that it will just be a memory. 

Now I am gonna go and treat myself to takeout lmao. 

Chapter 8

Amelia's POV.

Spend time on a new hobby.

I feel sick. I still feel sick from my hangover Friday night. How is it already Sunday and I still feel sick?

I wasn't even sick. I think that is the issue, if I was sick then I would probably feel better. But I hate being sick so all Saturday I forced it to go away.

Now I am still feeling sick and because I spent the entire day inside yesterday I am feeling shitty and like I fell back into letting myself feel sad. Which was not even the case. I literally just felt like crap and needed to rest.

Plus, anxiety after drinking always hits me hard.

Which also might be why I feel sick.

"Amelia." My dad complains, snapping his fingers jokingly in front of my face, "If you come here demanding help- you need to at least pay attention to me when I tell you about my idea."

Andrew always means well. My dad. He always means well but has never once succeeded in making me feel better. Which is a fact known to both of us. Hence why when I ask for something, he tends to jump at the opportunity.

He is a long-legged, top-heavy man who depends entirely on my mother for emotional and honestly physical support- if she didn't remind him to tie his shoelaces he'd probably be severely injured by tripping over my now.

His hair is dark and warm like mine, but it is thinning around the back. We don't mention this because it is an extremely sore spot of his. The sore spot being significant because he overheard Mae asking me if balding hurts.

He went to mum immediately for reassurance.

"You know, I was sure your mother packed my old camera down here." He says, sitting on the dusty wooden floor of the underground floor of the bookshop.

"I feel like she wouldn't keep it on the shop floor." I offer quietly.

My parents own a bookstore, it's two floors- the ground floor and then the basement floor where they keep the really old books, the classics and limited editions. I was never allowed down here alone when I was a child, it was such a moment when I was finally allowed to go and pick a book for 'downstairs downstairs'.

We call it 'downstairs downstairs' because we lived in the apartment above the bookshop. My parents and Mae still do.

"No, no she did because she kept a hiding space under the desk-" He says and then gasps. "Ah yes! The old desk-" My dad exclaims excitement on his face but his body awfully slow to get back up to a standing position.

"So photography?" He asks, breathless as we head to another room I shrug as he gets back onto the floor beside the old desk and pulls a big ass box out from underneath it.

My shrug was not good enough so he looks back up. "Amelia?"

"I am just trying new hobbies. Trying to find something I like."

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