Chapter 3

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Hi loves! Please please comment as much as you can! It motivates me to no end. 

Also, I think I will try and upload every Sunday! For My Soul Sundays :) But don't worry- I will be adding a few surprise chapters here and there. 

Happy Reading Loves. 

Chapter 3: River's POV

She refuses to make eye contact and that's amusing to me. This brunette. She looks at me, then just as quickly looks away. It's like a game that only I am aware of, I don't even think she's aware she's playing it.

Tom and the girl he is utterly enamoured by are in his room and have been since we got back. Rex thinks they'll hook up but the other brunette smiled knowingly when he said this- so I am of the opinion that the other girl probably isn't that interested in a hookup. Neither is Tom though, mind you, they might just be playing that dragon game as they said.

Amelia. Is the brunette's name. Rex came back with us, which I think made her more comfortable than if it was just me and her. This is amusing, being with two guys is usually more of a weird situation than just one.

Not that something like that is happening, obviously. But the way she relaxed when I told her it wasn't just me asking her back to mine was amusing, it's like she was intimidated by me but only if we were on our own.

She was more than happy dancing with me, our eyes connected, my hands so almost on her waist until she realised it was just us and she pushed me away.

She is sitting across from me on the floor. The coffee table separating us and me leaning back on the wall where a TV should be. We haven't managed to get a TV yet. And to be honest, sitting down here is a little grim as we haven't properly cleaned since we moved in so even for me it's a bit gross and I have put up with much worse conditions than this place. But Amelia doesn't seem to notice nor give a shit.

Rex lies on the cracked faux leather sofa behind her and she is smiling widely at something he said, her cheeks flushed with colour, her eyes avoiding mine and instead either looking back at him or at the coffee table in front of her. I wonder if she's more comfortable with Rex than me because she's actually interested in Rex?

Maybe she's really not interested in anyone.

Maybe she has a boyfriend.

I like wondering about people. Wondering is usually the best part honestly. You can make up versions of them, and create them into the people you want them to be. It's better because someone you make up cannot really disappoint you, they are the figment of your own experiences. Your own ideals.

"River?" Rex laughs loudly and my eyes flick up to him. Ok, I must have been staring. "You tripping?"

I shake my head no. I am good. I don't usually smoke after nights out, I hardly smoke anyway, but since I had hardly drunk and since Rex sort of just passed it to her and she said no and passed it to me, I didn't bother to say no this time.

So ok, maybe I was high. Maybe that's why I feel like the eye contact is a game.

It's interesting to see if the length of time she lets our eyes connect gets longer or shorter each time.

"You want another hit?" Rex asks, passing the joint to Amelia and Amelia leans over and offers it to me again.

I shake my head. "I am all good."

She holds the joint slightly awkwardly in between her fingers and then processes I said no and hands it back to Rex.

"Your eyes are red." He chuckles and I nod, rubbing them. They don't hurt at all but yeah I can feel that they are dry.

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