She can't have that. She'd feel guilt if he does die. Sanzu parked the car and opened the door. He got out, making his way to Y/N's side. Sanzu opened the door and unhooked her seatbelt.

Sanzu then helped her out of the car in silence. The eerie silence made Y/N scared. She'd rather hear him blabbing about them being together than having him quiet.

Who knows what he's thinking?

"Let's get inside and wait for him." Sanzu says, inching her towards the front door. Y/N just followed, glancing around the area to see if she could locate a police car or even a helicopter.

But nothing came about. Absolutely nothing.

Why? She wondered.

Sanzu raised his foot and kicked Naoto's door open without care. It made a loud bang, causing Y/N to gasp and look at him.

"Come." Sanzu tug at her arm, pulling her inside. Sanzu kept her hand in his as he got deeper into the house. It's quiet and the only lights on are the lights in his living room.

Sanzu made his way to the kitchen, finding the switch to bring light into the room. The first thing he went for was a knife. Y/N swallowed hard and heard a screeching sound.

Sanzu froze for a second before shushing Y/N. He grinned, sending shivers down her spine. Sanzu pulled Y/N towards the stairs and she heard the slam of a car door.

"Y/N?!" She heard.

Naoto. She wondered how far behind he was from them. She's glad to hear his voice but she's terrified for him. Sanzu pulled Y/N into the first room he came across. And surprisingly it was his room.

Sanzu placed a finger over his lips and locked the door. Y/N forced her tears back as Sanzu motioned for her to step to the side.

"Sanzu please don't hurt him." She whispers.

"Y/N?!" Naoto shouts. She could hear his footsteps hit heavy on the ground, echoing through the hall.

"Why not?" He answers.

"Because you promised me you won't."

Sanzu tilt his head up, trying to remember when it was he'd told her something as bogus as that.

"No I didn't." He tersely responds.

The doorknob jiggled, gaining both their attention. "Y/N are you in there?!" Naoto banged on the door and jiggled the handle. Sanzu grabbed Y/N by the neck, making her yelp.

Naoto heard this and raised his foot, kicking the door open. He'd have to deal with that later.

When Naoto got inside of the room he came face to face with Sanzu who's holding Y/N by the neck, the knife pointing in her direction. The both of them locked eyes and Y/N shook her head in a way to alert Naoto.

Naoto stayed still in his spot by the door and Sanzu grinned.

"Well well, look who's here. It's shrimp dick Tachibana." Sanzu chuckles. Naoto glared, biting his tongue on Sanzu's comment in his dick.

He knows otherwise, but that doesn't matter and he doesn't care about that. His mission right now is to get Y/N out of Sanzu's hold.

On his way here he had a call with Officer Laney. All he has to do is buy time and wait for the signal. However...

"It might take a week or two. Think you can keep him there until we get everything in order?" She asks. Naoto kept his distance a bit, but not too far as to where the white van is out of his sight.

"Yeah. And all I have to do is wait for the signal?"

"Those are orders."

"I'll try my best to stay alive then."

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