As she storms out of the room, slamming the door behind her, I'm left grappling with a maelstrom of emotions. Guilt gnaws at me, a relentless reminder of my inability to break through the barriers she's erected around her heart. Yet amidst the turmoil, a flicker of determination ignites within me – a determination to continue striving towards helping her find the healing and peace she so desperately deserves.

I can't stop myself from thinking about her, replaying our interaction in my mind with a sense of unease gnawing at my conscience. I berate myself for overstepping boundaries, for failing to provide the support she needed in that moment of vulnerability. But even as I wrestle with self-doubt, a resolve solidifies within me – a resolve to redouble my efforts in guiding her towards the path of healing and self-discovery.

With a heavy sigh, I gather my thoughts and steel myself for the challenges that lie ahead. It's a daunting task, navigating the intricate labyrinth of her psyche, but I'm determined to persevere, to be a beacon of hope amidst the darkness that threatens to engulf her soul. And as I prepare to face the uncertainties that tomorrow may bring, I offer a silent prayer to whatever higher power may bewatching over us, seeking guidance and strength to navigate the turbulent waters ahead.

~~At Veautiful Days~~

Choi Yeonjun's POV

I finished preparing the future sales prediction for the German project. Mr. Lee assigned it to me, perhaps because Soobin struggles with math. How could he manage statistical reports? I almost forgot Mr. Lee asked me to submit it to his table. Let's head there.

I walked through the pathway to reach his table. Mr. Lee was engrossed in his files on one side and typing something on his computer with the other. Does he ever tire? How does one man handle so much work? I entered his cabin.

"Good morning, Mr. Lee," I greeted him, trying to inject some cheerfulness into the room.

"Good morning, Yeonjun. What brings you here?" he asked, glancing up from his work.

"I completed the report, Mr. Lee," I said confidently, holding out the document for him to inspect.

"Oh! Good, Yeonjun," he responded promptly, his attention divided between me and his files.

"I also got an idea while going through the papers you gave, Mr. Lee. Why don't we franchise our company in Germany? We have an alliance with one of the top companies. So, when we franchise, we can establish ourselves in Germany. Here's a report I made on it," I suggested, hoping to impress him with my initiative.

"Oh, great idea, Yeonjun. I'll speak about this to Mr. Kim," he said, acknowledging my proposal with a nod of approval.

"Okay, Mr. Lee. I'll see you later. Have a nice day," I said, turning to leave his cabin.

"Okay, Yeonjun," he replied, already engrossed in his work once more.

**Mr. Lee's POV**

Though Yeonjun is young, his ambition and initiative in company activities never fail to impress me. I reviewed the report he submitted – meticulous and well-prepared, as always. His suggestion to franchise our company in Germany is indeed promising. I should propose this idea to Mr. Kim. Gathering the reports, I made my way to Mr. Kim's cabin.

"Good morning, Mr. Kim," I greeted him as I entered his office room, presenting the reports.

"Good morning, Mr. Lee," Mr. Kim responded with his characteristic boxy smile.

"Mr. Kim, I've come up with an idea," I announced, eager to share Yeonjun's proposal.

"Proceed," he instructed, his tone serious and attentive.

"As we have an alliance with one of the top companies in Germany, why don't we franchise? It will help us establish our brand name," I suggested, gauging his reaction carefully.

"It's a great idea, Mr. Lee," Mr. Kim agreed, his grin widening at the prospect.

"By the way, this idea was proposed by Choi Yeonjun," I informed him, giving credit where credit is due.

"Oh, ask him to come to my cabin, Mr. Lee," Mr. Kim instructed, already considering the implications of this new venture.

"Okay, Mr. Kim," I said, preparing to fetch Yeonjun for their meeting.

**Yeonjun's POV**

"Hey, Yeonjun, Mr. Kim wants to meet you," Mr. Lee informed me.

"Sir, please leave me. I haven't done anything. Is he going to fire me? Oh god," I panicked, my mind racing with worst-case scenarios.

"Yeonjun, stop. Just go already," Mr. Lee said, trying to reassure me. Reluctantly, I made my way to Mr. Kim's cabin, my heart pounding with anxiety.

Mr. Kim Taehyung's POV

I heard a hesitant "Good morning, sir" as I looked up from my table. It was Yeonjun, his expression tense with anticipation.

"Good morning, Choi Yeonjun," I greeted him warmly, hoping to ease his apprehension. But it seemed he was still weighed down by uncertainty.

"That's a great idea, Yeonjun. I appreciate it," I commended him, hoping to boost his confidence.

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Kim. I thought you were going to fire me from the job," Yeonjun admitted, his relief palpable.

"Why would I fire someone who works hard?" I reassured him, hoping to alleviate his fears. It was clear that he needed encouragement and validation, and I was more than happy to provide it.

As the colors returned to his face and a hint of pink graced his cheeks, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at his accomplishments. Yeonjun may be young, but his dedication and creativity were invaluable assets to our company.

"Okay, you can leave now," I said, turning back to my work as Yeonjun made his exit.

"Have a nice day, Mr. Kim," he said, his voice filled with gratitude as he walked away. With a smile, I returned to my tasks, grateful for the opportunity to work alongside such talented individuals.

The door shut behind him, but before I could fully immerse myself in my work, it burst open once more, revealing Yeonjun standing in the doorway.

"Mr. Kim," he began tentatively, his eyes shining with anticipation.

"What is it, Yeonjun?" I asked, curious as to what had prompted his return.

"Why can't we have a get-together party, Mr. Kim?" he proposed, his enthusiasm infectious.

"A party? Yeah, I guess we can have one. It's been a while since we last threw a party," I mused, considering the idea. In truth, it sounded like a welcome diversion from the rigors of work, and I was eager to foster a sense of camaraderie among our team.

"Yes, Mr. Kim," Yeonjun agreed eagerly, his excitement palpable.

"Okay, Choi Yeonjun, check my schedule with Mr. Lee and fix a date. Let me know. Make the arrangements for the party too," I instructed, eager to see his plans come to fruition.

"Okay, Mr. Kim. Thank you," Yeonjun said gratefully before hurrying off.

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