17. She's here

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I could feel her hands brushing past my arm, I could feel the loud music fading in the distance, I could see her dancing before me, and I could still feel her soft touch on my lips.
The loud music fades in the background as I take another puff. 

My lips? She never kisses me, she never touches me this way, she never did all those things. She is my friend, she thinks of me as a friend, nothing more than that. Her soft fingers brush past my lips as she removes the lighted joint from my hands. 
"This should be enough for today Jeon." Her voice, it's different, she's not y/n. 

Ahh... Y/N, she's a married woman now. She didn't even call me once, not even once since she left that day from Tae's. Tae would not tell me what happened between them, I felt the difference in energy between them. He was not his usual self. She was not her usual self.

I don't know if she's happy but wait... She is happy. I saw her giggling and kissing Soo Hyun. She is HAPPY.

Hyungs are busy, Tae is busy... Hae ri will be here tomorrow.

So the actual drama begins tomorrow. I could feel the girl beside me shift as she takes my arm making me stand. "I won't leave you here Jeon, don't worry," but who the hell is she...?

I turn my head in that direction to find her green eyes already on me, her eyes held all the northern lights in them, greener than the forest. Who is she? and why is she worrying about me? Why is she calling me by my last name?

"Who are you?" I ask slurring my words a little, well she is not y/n, she smells way different than her sweet vanilla. She smells more of orchids, flowers, and so many flowers. My thoughts are hazy.

"You will know, Jeon... But first let's get you in the taxi huh, help me here a little." Being intoxicated was not a problem but her knowing everything about me was. I tilt my head in her direction once we were out of the vicinity of the dark place into the moonlight. I saw her, I saw how her black hair swayed, I saw how her eyes gloss under the moonlight giving them a little golden texture. She was tall, almost like me with her heels. 

"at least a name would be enough..." I say still supported by her frame as she finds a taxi. 
"Yujin, would be enough, for now, okay Jeon? Now go home safe." I feel the chill once I'm in the car, 'go home safe'. Y/N used to say this to me. 

"Please call me once you lay him in his bed, I'll take the other car." She asks the driver from the window and puts something in my jacket. "Don't mess anything else, Jeon, Goodnight" with that I saw her retreating. Her heels clacking on the floor echo in my head. 

A smile formed on my lips, it's been a long since someone cared for me. Since someone wished me goodnight. Since someone held my hand that passionately.


You open your eyes shuffling under the duvet feeling the warmness. Your whole body aching from the pressure you felt, you stretch your arms out, opening your eyes a little. Finding yourself in different yet familiar surroundings, "This isn't my room." You say getting up.

ARRANGED MARRIAGE || PART 1 (18+) ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora