2. Best friends

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"Will you do that for us, my son? I don't want any therapy, please just keep my Y/N safe," he eventually sobs.

Her entire world comes to a standstill, and everything begins to whirl around. Her father was willing to marry her to someone she had never met. Her insides were churning and clenching as the guy's existence for her just came to life, and it wasn't what she had anticipated for herself.

"Uncle, you've been there for me and my family, it's only right for me to help you out in this position, and you also had an arranged marriage as well, it's not that horrible," he adds grinning, gazing in her way, she was still perplexed about the scenario. Her facial expressions revealed her unease, distress, and fear.

"I believe you should now speak with her, and I will now leave. And Y/N, thank you for the delicious dinner." The young man adds, standing up and smiling at her, that he was everything a woman wants in a life partner, but her aspirations and desires in life were different. She always wanted to write a book, to be a novelist if not then surely a photographer. Circumstances didn't let her, but she had some optimism before this.

Which subsequently ended with the marriage proposal.

"OK, child, drive cautiously because it's getting late." By hugging him, the old man conveys his love and appreciation for him. She just gave them a sidelong glance from the kitchen, her eyes wet by her father's joy.

"You should relax now, dad, it's not good for your health," she adds as she watches her father sighingly return to the living room. "It's okay, sweetie, I know there's a lot to take in, but you may take your time. You know I'll never make a bad decision for you "Taking a seat on the couch, the old guy adds.

She was relieved that her father might receive care and medical help that she was unable to offer, but the entire thing felt suspicious to her, like a storm is awaited for the the father-daughter duo.

"I believe you, Dad, but I need to finish my studies first, and wouldn't it be better if we knew each other before getting married?" she says to her father. She needed time to process the issue, but her love for her father drove her to take the safest route. She sits by him, telling him that everything will be OK.

"Whatever my kid says," he adds as he embraces her.

"I have work tomorrow as well, so I need you to sleep on time and take your medications, here." She offers him a glass of water along with the medications.

As she slid beneath the sheets, her mind wandered to the previous talks that had occurred before her; she was about to marry a guy she hardly knew. Breaking from her thoughts she sighs switching off the side lamp.

She hears her phone ringing from beside her continuously and reaches out her hand to take it. The screen displays 'Kookie,' the only person she needs badly at this time.

"Hello there, Y/N! Why weren't you responding to any of my texts?" As soon as she answers the phone, he asks. His voice was tinged with anxiety and care; he was the only authentic person who could provide her with some peace in the midst of her mental turmoil.

"I was busy with work and some guests, Kookie," she replies brightly. Hearing her voice and hearing 'Kookie' from her, the lad instinctively smiles. "Let's meet tomorrow, I miss my closest buddy," he begs his last meeting with her around a month ago. This has been her pattern since she left college, including meetings and occasional hangouts.

ARRANGED MARRIAGE || PART 1 (18+) ✅Where stories live. Discover now