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It is her birthday today. I woke up still sore, I managed to not break my arm trying to bust us out but the muscles are still incredibly sore. The bullet went right through me and didn't break anything other than my spirit.

Ashe, on the other hand, was nowhere to be found.

I inspected myself in the mirror. As far as the scans went, there is nothing that should be broken so we ended up cauterising the wound and wrapping it up. My shoulder on the other hand was just numb from the shock with a few feint bruises.

Considering I did was explosives were supposed to do I guess we can count this as a win.

I wander around, Cole stops me. "In the barn, if you are looking for her."

I nod. "Thanks for the warning. Should have thought that's where she would have gone after a night like that, I can't imagine that she would be over it by now."

"Go cheer her up for us."

I gesture to my person. "I don't think you can get as sorry of a sight as me but I am going to do my damn best to see if she is willing to take my singing with a smile."

"Just don't rip those vocal cords, would be a shame never to hear your voice."

I shake my head at him. "There are so many ways to say fuck you."

"I prefer it this way."

With a chuckle, I nod. "Whatever man."

I walk past him and towards the barn. The late-afternoon sun shining in the sky.

Stepping through the doorway with my hands in my pockets I spot her next to the scrap she crashed all that time back when we started out. I take a step forward only for her to instantly glance at me over her shoulder.

"Oh, it's you."

"I'd figure that the last person you'd want to see was your parents on your birthday, not me."

She lifts herself, putting her tools away along with the rag that was around her shoulders. "Know I didn't mean it the way it came out."

"Also know that it is your birthday. Considering I was planning how to deal with it way back when things changed. I got a bullet shot right through me, you became the leader of a criminal group, and honestly, I didn't think the two of us would be standing here."

"How exactly?"

I chuckle. "Still going to make me say it, just to make sure you know every single detail, huh?"

"Afraid that's how it works."

"C'mon. At least-"

"Swear to god if one more person tells me to smile on my birthday I am going to start shooting," she widens her eyes, crossing her arms showing in her stance that she is fed up with everyone trying to cheer her up.

I close the distance between us, cocking my head she holds her fiery gaze.

"Know you are still upset about it. We push on. We keep on pushing. At some point, we will be so lost that we can't even tell which way we originally came from and when that happens we pick a direction and walk towards it."

"Right back into the fire-"

I stop her. "There are four directions on a compass. Eight if you want to be specific. Sixteen if you want to use the one the army uses. With that, the chances that we are going in the same direction as before are pretty scarce."

The muscles in her jaw tighten. "It... I was so sure that was the case we were looking for."

"I know."

Origins (Overwatch Ashe x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now