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"Hey, (Y/N). Can you run a few things for me?"

I instinctively look up at the clock before sighing. "Yeah. Let me just finish up with these."

Some days I am just busier than others. I mean I wouldn't have minded but there is no possible way of me telling Ashe that she shouldn't expect me to show up some days so we made arrangements at that point if you don't see me, then don't expect me.

I finish up with my work in the store and head to the back to grab the backpack along with a few boxes that I need to deliver. Even if I did this as fast as my legs could carry me there isn't much I would be able to do seeing as the Academy closes in a few minutes.

Walking through the streets I kind of wished I had a bike but it broke on one of my last trips because someone decided to total it when I parked it outside. Now I am stuck using my legs for the most part.

"Hey." I step into the building dropping the boxes and bag on the counter. "Mister Timothy?"

"Hmm... just hold those here for me. Thanks." Then lifting herself from the counter she walks towards the hallway leading to the back.

I take a deep breath waiting on them to come to take it off my hands so I can go about my day, already let the shopkeeper know that after this I am going to do my own thing for the rest of the day.

Finishing up the delivery that took an extra thirty minutes of my life because they wanted to check everything before letting me go. As if I'd steal anything.

I dig my hands in my pockets and leave the building going down the street. The estate is pretty far and I don't know about visiting. That sounds like a stupid idea to go there without an invitation and that is just begging me to get shot.

"Look who is here."

I glance over my shoulder as I see two guys walking towards me, they are wearing a uniform with the same insignia as Ashe.

"Little rat like you breaking into school property that still needs to be punished." He balls his fists.

I then shake my head at the situation before forcing a fake smile. "Weren't you the two that were going to pick a fight with one girl?"

"Figures that you'd have your nose so far up the rich girl's ass."

I snort. "Rather he's than yours."

"Working out for you, huh?"

The other sneers at me. "Bitch finally got a friend then I assume?"

I let my smile fade. "Can't protect her while you are out here-"

I then step towards them. "From where I was standing it looks like she was about to mess you all up." I then stop just short of him, close enough to smell the sweat on his body. "No go on now, fuck with her. Better yet, talk your shit-"

I feel the other punch me across the face. I stumble to the side with the other punching me in the gut. I grab the other by the upper arm to stop his next punch before kicking the other kids in front of me.

I twist his arm behind his back kicking holding it there with my right arm before elbowing the side of his head making him stumble over the sidewalk and fall to the ground. He reveals a blunt weapon that almost looks like a pipe.

Swinging it at me I block it with my arm feeling the shock travel through my arm making me wish I didn't hide my powers the way I did. Then hit me on the side of my leg I drop down tucking my head as I feel him swing the pipe over the back of my head.

Despite the pain, I tackle him to the ground. Lifting myself I stomp my feet against his fingers hearing something crack as he screams. The pipe crashes to the ground, and I return my gaze to the other one that is trying to raise himself to his feet.

Origins (Overwatch Ashe x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now