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*** A couple of years later ***


The town is called Bellerae and I have yet to learn how I am supposed to pronounce it. I have been here for months now and... well I am just a street kid trying to make it work.

Being sixteen now I have been trying to talk to these people about my need to find a way to work. The authorities wanted to put me in the children's house for the kids that lost their parents at every other place I have been growing up but now I can kind of get by.

I didn't want to be stuck in a place anymore so obviously I ran and I am just living on the streets of Bellerae working for a shopkeeper that felt bad for me. Nobody knows about my powers and I have been trying to keep them a secret for a while now.

A very long time. I vividly remember those bland halls, the bad-tasting food... the faces of the people I spent most of my life with. I have long since given up on seeing them again knowing that they probably died.

Or maybe made it out and decided to recover the project with someone else.

I don't know.

I don't want to know.

I do miss some of the people in there because they were in some twisted way, still my parents.

Roaming the street around midday. I have been keeping my skills sharp mostly by throwing knives at rubbish in the street when nobody was around. It did turn it to ash so I kind of felt like I was doing my part in keeping the city clean from its trash.

Though there was still a lot of ash left from it they can work with that rather than the alternative. My daily tasks involve carrying things, running courier, and cleaning the floors at the shop.

Then I get paid with food, a very small amount of money and I get to use the outside bathroom in their backyard that they set up for me.  I glance around to see the Academy just a little bit away from me.

I don't have any friends. A lot of the people there are so far above me and I am just a street kid next to the rich kids. I don't hate them... I just have this feeling that I won't be able to get their attention unless I show them what I can do.

And that is just dangerous.

I walk past the entrance, I then stop in place noticing a group of kids around another one. I watch them for a brief moment, one girl and three other guys. I think she leaves with a large Omnic butler.

She has snowy white hair and red eyes. I never heard her voice but she looks angry every time I see her. She walks to one of them pushing him aside only for him to grab her by the upper arm and push her back to the centre of them.

In the next moment, I climbed over the tall railings and ran across the field to help despite knowing that I am going to regret this. I had pushed the girl out of the way and placed my fist into the guy's chest to ward him off.

"What- OOF!" he falls back only for someone else to step towards me knocking me aside.

I turn to swing back only for her to tackle him with her shoulder. On top of him, she hits him square in the jaw but not giving me enough time to respond I am hit across the face anyway, which serves me right for not taking it seriously.

I am going to beat the crap out of you...

***   ***   ***

Sitting on a seat outside of what looks like some office inside the school. I touch the side of my bruised face as the girl who has been told to sit a few seats away from me is watching me with a raised eyebrow.

"You some sort of idiot?"

I crack a slight smile and feel the pain spread over my jaw. "Ah... yeah maybe. Saw the confrontation and next thing I knew I was up and over and a fist in my face."

Cracking a slight smile. "For someone, you don't know?"

I lift my shoulders. "A bad idea."

Narrowing her eyes. "Yeah... I reckon it was. Think I saw you around before walking past the Academy."

I nod. "Street kid just trying to make things work."

"Still - impressive that you jumped that fence."

Oh yeah... let's not talk about what I really can do because it might just twist what you find impressive.

I lift my shoulders. "Not as impressive as you. Looking at it I think you would have been fine without me sticking my nose where it doesn't belong."

She nods slowly. "Well. For one we wouldn't have ended up in a fight."


Cracking an even wider smile. "Didn't think it through at all."

I then state. "Saw them push you back, from where I stood it looked like a fight."

"Could handle it myself."

"Well I saw that you could but now you can blame the confrontation on the idiot sitting next to you." I counter with a slight sigh. Then looking at her with the nicest smile I can manage. "My name is (Y/N). What's yours?"

Watching me carefully she doesn't respond at all. I let my smile fade as I think I probably overstepped my welcome. Well... I should probably leave as quickly as possible before they try to get my parents or the authorities.

I don't want to meet either of them right now.

I glance around the hall seeing that it is empty and I can hear the voices inside the room we are waiting to get in grow louder. I hear the creaking of stools making me want to bolt through the halls and find a way out.

She then states. "Most of the windows are locked on this floor." She gestures to the end of the hall. "Guessing you are trying to bolt out of here."

I chuckle. "I've probably caused enough trouble."

"Trouble always finds me." She lifts herself gesturing for me to run after her. "Better move your ass."

The door opens in front of me and I glance to my side to see the girl has already bolted down the hallway. I instantly lift myself after her catching up with her relative ease as we slide into the next corridor where she bursts through one of the doors.

I follow after her shutting the door behind us as she goes towards one of the windows. 

"This lock's been broken for a while so I figured I could kick you out of it but it is quite the fall."

I side next to her statement. "I can probably get down easily."

"Well, you climbed the fence and that is the biggest obstacle around here." She lifts it gesturing for me to climb through. "Hop on through."

I then ask. "What about you?"

"I can easily get out of this situation. Not so sure about you trespassing."

"Right..." I climb on through.

"Name's Ashe."

I glance over at her with a slight smile. "See you around Ashe. That is if they don't send me away."

*** Ashe POV ***

The kid hops on through the window dropping to the ground below and leading into a roll. He glances over his shoulder back up at me with a smirk before waving at me. I only shake my head as he makes his way back towards the fence and easily climbs over it.

The thing about trouble is that it is easy to spot and I can tell that he is going to get himself into a lot of trouble moving forward.

Associating myself with that kind of trouble... hell it won't be much different than what I am going through half of the time.

What he pulled is nothing short of a little bit stupid.

"See you round, (Y/N)..." I chuckle to myself before heading back to be scolded.

Origins (Overwatch Ashe x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now