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"So," Marco holds his stare, "the five of you are the mysterious gang who has been working so hard around Bellerae lately. And from the way you talk, it sounds to me like you're the one in charge, Calamity."

"Uh," Julian injected, "she's the boss, sure, but when it comes to splitting the take, it's really more of a democra—"

"Shut up!" snapped Marco. Julian's mouth promptly closed.

"Now," said Marco. "We need to have a little chat about what you've been up to."

His features hardened as he leaned closer to Ashe. Before she could pull back, he reached for her bandanna and yanked it down. I grab him by the wrist and in the next moment a couple of barrels were aimed at my person.

"Let it go." I hear Ashe whisper behind me.

"Do as the lady says," he cocks his head at me.

I let go of his hand lifting both my hands into the air. "One false step."

"What then."

"One. False. Step." I warn him one last time.

He narrows his eyes at the other two. "You two," Marco barked at Cole and Julian. "Masks off."

They hesitate, but Ashe gestured for them to obey.

Marco gave them a cutting smile. "Ah, there we are. A young lot, all of you. I remember how ambitious I could get when I was younger, too." He straightened and crossed his arms. "Now, I'm going to be nice about this, because I like Frankie, and I want to show what a good guy I can be. Despite your little dog here acting beyond his leash. You five have been working hard, but that's done now. This is our territory—my territory—and you've gotten too greedy. Game over. This is the last payday you score, the last shipment you move."

"Whatever you're about to say, Frankie can tell you it's a very bad idea," Marco said. "Isn't that right, Frankie?"

The hacker chewed her lip nervously. "... Right."

Marco looks at us with a pleased sneer. "I knew I could count on your honesty. Especially after I so kindly let you walk away from the Diamondbacks without any trouble. You don't want any trouble, either, do you, Calamity?"

"No, I don't. But let me get this straight, are you asking us to give up on our heists because you think you have some claim to them, or because we're simply better at thieving than you are?"

Marco's mouth dropped open, then shut immediately, his features crumpling with annoyance.

"I know I said I was going to be nice," Marco got right in her face, "but you are testing my patience. You do not want to cross me, Calamity. There's a lot of desert out here, a lot of places to dig holes. And people disappear every day. Would anyone even notice if the lot of you went missing?"

I hold my glare. Itching to kill him but risking it now would put everyone in jeopardy.

His words, or his tone, caused B.O.B. to take a warning step forward, but Ashe held up a hand, signalling the omnic to keep back. "Now ... do we have an understanding, Calamity?"

"Hold on," said Julian, coming forward, hands held up where Marco could see them. "There's no need for threats. Marco, you look like a man who likes a good deal. And this crew? Well, this crew knows how to get its hands on some really choice—"

Marco struck like a snake, driving his fist into Julian's face. Julian cried out and fell to his knees, clutching his nose as dark blood leaked through his fingers. Cole rushed to his side, only to jump up again and glare at Marco with viciousness in his eyes.

Origins (Overwatch Ashe x Male Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant