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It was a cool, clear night, with a bright full moon casting a milky glow over everything. We are moving through the scrub toward the transcontinental railway stop, but that wasn't a problem in this case. The railway station, a starkly out-of-place geometric structure of high white walls and a dome made of webbed metal were still under construction, currently used only as a way station for cargo and out-of-service railcars.

Of the handful of trains currently using this line, most passed it without stopping, on their way to more interesting places.

Save for a handful of security drones buzzing quietly by every so often, it was deserted. Not the sort of place where anyone would store a valuable weapons shipment.

Which was part of the brilliance to it.

This was it; the heist that was going to fill our bank accounts all the way to the brim. But along with the financial gains, it came with an added bonus: a way for Ashe to take her revenge on her parents to a new level.

Because if there was one thing her parents couldn't stand, it was being embarrassed. She said that to me in her own words, more reason to make sure that this goes according to the plan. No messing up.

While it was true that her parents mostly stayed out of the day-to-day projects at Arbalest, there were always a few pet projects they kept their eyes on. Specifically, anything they could try and market to the megacorporations they spent so much of their time sucking up to. And as it turned out, Arbalest had a new cutting-edge energy cannon design it was ready to start showing off. Code name: Siren.

There were only a handful of specs and a basic schematic in the files, but what we read left us nearly salivating. A weapon like this was worth a fortune on the black market, even if it was only a prototype.

According to the documents Ashe had found, the energy cannon was going to be secretly shipped to New York City, from the very warehouse that we first robbed. A demonstration was slated for next week in New York, and though there weren't any details about who the demo would be for, we knew there was no way a meeting of that level was going to take place without her parents in attendance.

It would have been a great target just knowing the prototype's value.

All we had to do was steal it.

"Y'all ready?"

Julian nods. "You betcha."

"When am I not?" Frankie chirps.

Cassidy adjusted his own mask before confirming, "Let's get moving, then. That shipment isn't going to steal itself."

"Now there's an idea," said Julian. "We should reprogram some drones to do the hard work for us."

"Where's the fun in that?" Leading the way, Ashe crept out from behind the rocky outcropping.

It wasn't going to be easy getting in. The train platform, with its glassed-in waiting area leading to whatever amenities were inside the main station, we ignored. And the gate to the cargo storage area, which was where we really needed to be, was solid metal, with numerous locks and sensors that would send an alert if we tried to open it.

Which, obviously, we had no plans of doing.

This was less breaking and entering than scaling and infiltrating. At least for now.

"Okay, here we go," Frankie whispers as she crouched on the ground, leaning over a tablet. "The security drones won't be back around for another half an hour. So that's our time frame."

Cole eyed the wall with reservation. "Might be tight."

"We'll make it." Ashe dropped the bag beside her.

Julian and Cole did the same with the ones they carried, pulling out lengths of climbing rope and the grappling guns they'd use to launch them.

Frankie swore in a low hiss. "Shit!"

"What?" said Ashe.

"It's the electrified webbing. I figured I could cut it to this sector with no problem, but there's a fail-safe that reconfigures the power source if any part goes dead for more than a few minutes at a time. I can keep ahead of the system if I stay at it, but ..." She looked up, the moon reflecting off her holo-glasses. "Be careful. I won't be able to monitor the drone movement while you climb with this occupying me. But should be clear sailing once you get over the wall."

"No problem. B.O.B., keep watch for her."

The omnic nodded.

I amplify myself and run up the wall with ease, Ashe shoots her grappling gun towards me and luckily not at me. Julian and Cole followed suit, their ropes rising into the air. A moment later, the pitons on the other end of them sank into the wall, near its top edge.

I secure their hooks and give them the all-okay.


"You're good to go."

"Okay, boys, let's get climbing." Ashe didn't bother to wait as Cole and Julian secured the straps of their bags across their chests.

"What's the matter, Ashe?" Cole came up beside her. "Too high for you?"

"Not a chance," she threw back. "Just taking in the view."

Cole grinned and nodded at the top of the wall. "It'll be even better up there. Right, (Y/N)?"

"And way nicer than looking at Cole's backside," added Julian.

I chuckle. "I can't vouch for either of those.

Ashe laughs. "C'mon. The last one to the top has to change the oil on all the bikes."

The moment she said it, I extended my hand and pulled her up towards me. The two of the battle for third place. At the top, there was barely enough space between the edge of the wall and the metal webwork to stand.

Cole eyed the structure sceptically. "We're sure this section is turned off, right?"

Julian pulled a pair of cutters out of the bag he carried. "I sure hope so. One set of burn scars is enough for me."

"It's off," Frankie insisted, through their earpieces.

I nod. "It is. I would have screamed if it wasn't."

"We don't know if you absorb it."

"Me neither." I lift my shoulders.

"Here. I'll do it, you cowards." Ashe snatched the cutters away from Julian.

Moving rapidly, Ashe cut open a hole large enough for us to get to the other side.

"Be careful," she expresses as she passes through it.

"You sure you're not afraid of heights?" teased Cole as he followed. "This isn't even that—" He faltered as his shirt snagged a bit of the metal, stumbling forward as he tried to regain his balance. Only, there was no place for him to go.

Except down.

Ashe grabbed for him, fingers barely snagging his collar in time. She yanked him back from the edge.

"I'm not afraid of heights." Ashe's momentary panic dissolved into relief. "Falling, on the other hand ..."

Cole flashed her a smile. "Thanks. That would have been a bad way to end the job, huh?"

Ashe shrugged. "Eh, we would have gone on without you."

They pulled up their lines and ran them down the inside of the wall before descending. Solid earth under her feet again, Ashe relaxed a little.

"Okay," she said quietly. "Three of us will find the rifles. Julian, you work on our exit."

"Got it," said Julian.

Origins (Overwatch Ashe x Male Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang