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I never really figured out what she was celebrating today, in the end, last night didn't give me anything other than her telling me to meet her at the usual spot.

Here I am.

The students all have this aura of relief about them, was it her graduation day? I know that Ashe hates it here and when you consider everything I bet there is nothing she wanted more than to get out of here.

To celebrate it with someone she wants to.

Must mean she cares about me but has this little thing where voicing it is probably highly unlikely.

My problem right now? Where are you, Ashe?

***   ***   ***

A loud shot echoes through the room.

The vase burst into a multicolored cloud of porcelain and dust. Ashemoved her sights to the next target, a crystal decanter balanced on a wooden fence post. 

Another shot.

I don't know how much money she threw away destroying these antiques of her parents but I am willing to bet that we are sitting on the hundred thousand dollars. I want to try and stop her, to get her to talk to me but not while she has a gun in her hands.

Another shot. She shakes her head scoffing at her own thoughts. She shoots three more rounds into the antiques shattering them.

Finally, she lifts her gun again but this time it only clicks, empty.

B.O.B. walks over handing her more rounds, she shakes her head lifting her hand, "That's enough of that," it comes out as a whimper.

I lift myself walking towards her, seeing the frustration in her eyes, "Ashe-"

She breathes out with a chuckle, "Sorry. Dragging you here to see me throw a tantrum, shit..."

I reach for her shoulder, trying to get her to look at me but her eyes never find mine, "What happened?"

"The boys, those same ones that came to pick a fight with you came for me. Defended myself and I was tossed in jail for beating up those boys but in the end, the damned knife was in my hands..."

Breathing out with a sharp exhale, "Mom had a lot to say, I'm not eighteen yet so she can't toss me aside but I have been disowned," she scoffs at her own words, I can see her anger rising in her face.

I am at a loss for words, I don't have anything to tell her but just let her get the anger out. I never had someone to talk to about my past but then again they were never really my family... I am just a test tube baby.

This is her family.

"They weren't even there for me... just a bloody letter. I don't matter to them-"

I tighten my grip on her shoulder, "Fuck them then."

She lifts her gaze, those red eyes searching my face, "You matter to me."

She shakes her head, then with a little exhale she chuckles, "I still have you, and B.O.B.." Ashe glances at him with narrow eyes as if she is thinking something through, she looks back at all the shattered antiques that she just destroyed to let her anger out.

She lowers her head, "I need to ask you something."

"I am here."

"Going to get someone to help me, this isn't enough," she has a vengeful glare, "going to hijack an Arbelest shipment and I need to know if you would help. I trust you and I know you'd be a good partner."

I ask her with a soft tone, "I have nowhere else to be, Ashe. Admittedly I'd be long gone if you weren't around, but I don't want you walking yourself down the rosy roads."

She lifts her hand, making a fist she presses it against my chest. "Then I need you to watch my back, now don't I?"

I shake my head, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"More than anything. You'll get your fair share, I just-"

I stop her, "I'll be there. Don't have to worry about me."

I create a fiery single shot in my hand and shoot at one of the vases that is disintegrated into a pile of ash. 

"Going to pay for that?" she quips.

"Only if you keep in mind the rest that you broke."

She then turns around, "B.O.B. get the car ready. We are going for a ride, the three of us."

B.O.B. walks out of the room and lifts the gun and rests it on her shoulder. Watching B.O.B. it looks like she is trying to think it through, maybe she doesn't even know if it is a good idea or not but at this point the idea is there.



The muscles in her face tighten, "Never had someone stick up for me so much, never expected someone to just jump on board without pointin' out my idiocy."

I shake my head, "If I did that you'd be angry at me, and if you haven't noticed yourself I am doing an attempt to get you to do the opposite."

She cracks a slight smile, "That so?"

"Not going to admit you want me around?"

"If I didn't you wouldn't be around."

"Would have given me the same treatment as the antiques?"

She rolls her eyes at me, "Only thing stopping me from shooting you is the fact that the gun isn't loaded."

"Is this a hypothetical? Or are you itching to shoot me right now?"

She shakes her head, "Can't shoot you just yet, I still enjoy keeping you around."

"Making it sound like you are keeping me around for my use when in truth you just want me to be around."

She starts walking away from me, not acknowledging me. I shake my head and jog to catch up with her. The moment we both reach the doorway she spins around watching me with an intense stare, she reaches for my collar pulling me closer.

Kissing the side of my mouth, probably because I almost jumped out of my skin trying not to react like an idiot. I can feel the soft touch of her lips against the side of my mouth.

She lets go of my clothes and places her hand over my chest, "Don't know if I am having trouble wording it properly or you don't know how to take a hint. But that should do the trick, I reckon," she whispers to me.

"Afraid I didn't catch that, mind making it a bit more clearer?" I try to kiss her again only for her to smirk at me and walk away from me. "Ashe?"

"Come on. We don't have time that is worth wasting."

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