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I regain consciousness with a gasp and feel something clogging my throat. I blow chunks out of the window that splashes against the ground. I quickly survey my surroundings to see there is a large hole in the metal behind me.

"Are you good?" he asks desperately.

"Where's Ashe!?"

"We are getting her. Can you do anything?"

I nod, ignoring the fact that I have no energy in my body and whatever was supposed to give me energy is splattered on the road. I hop out of it and then climb onto the back as he drives us back the moment I slammed my hand against the top of the truck.

We drive up to see Ashe being held at gunpoint by the drones. I force my body to work with me, I create a flaming shot in my hands and align my sights. I shoot three times with the first shot clipping the lower half of one drone and the other burning through the centre of the second.

"Move it, rich girl!" Cole screams at her. "There's more coming!"

Ashe looks behind her. There were dotted lights in the sky approaching us in the distance closing in on us fast. She grabs the rifle and then runs for the truck, hopping into the passenger side the car gets moving again.

Ah, shit...

I lower myself down while watching the drones reaching us. I hear Ashe from behind me. "(Y/N), are you-"

"Alive... somehow."

"Okay. A bad idea coming up. Just roll with it, best we can do at this point."

"Yeah... I'll manage."

"Get ready! Almost there...NOW!"

I use what little energy I have to throw myself over the edge. I roll around in the dust and use my energy to cloak myself seeing as I couldn't get myself far enough into the sand to hide. I stay low as an explosion roars and a fireball lights up the sky.

There was a cliff just there.

The drones hover for a moment and then continue towards the crash.

I breathe out with a pained chuckle. Lifting myself I let the invisibility fade and spot the two of them close to one another, they quickly and quietly make their way towards me and we start headed down the road to disappear.

Ashe throws her arm around my middle. "Please tell me you are okay?"

The edges of my vision are dark. "Yeah... just... a bit drained is all. One of those things if I do something I haven't practised before, it can really just kick my gut out of me."

With a heavy sigh. "Thank god. Let's get out of here."

Cole sides next to me. "You are dragging yourself, let's help you get out of here."

***   ***   ***

Those two were talking in the room figuring out what the fuck comes after this. I went to clean up myself and try to figure out which way was up because I feel like I lost my innards on the way there and back.

Looking at it... there is a chance that my powers could be more of a detriment to myself rather than something they could use.

I'd argue otherwise. I did something I didn't know I could do and soaked up a blast from bombs. Considering I didn't die and all I got was a messy stomach... and like a few minutes of being unconscious I think that is better than dying.

"Hanging in there?"

I look up at the mirror to see Ashe standing in the doorway, she looks just as tired as I am.

"What little of me is still inside me, yeah," I turn around, leaning against the washing basin. "Pushed me a bit too hard trying to not get myself killed and it just triggered every nerve in my body that ended up just turning the lights off."

She watches me with a concerned stare. "Are you sure that is all it is?"

I nod. "I was the test subject that had to take care of himself for most of the nights, I know how it works and how the limitations become... well the new ceilings."

"Had me scared. 'Don't freak out', you said, kind of hard when the very next thing you did was collapse into my arms."

I chuckle. "Would it have been worse if I said nothing?"

Lifting her shoulders, a small smile creeps on her face. "Maybe. Thanks for getting a girl out of the spotlight, was wondering if the two of you would ever come back."

I shut my eyes, resting my head backwards. "Cassidy was already on his way back, I wouldn't have let him bail on you either way."

"Sweet of you."

I snort. "And you?"

"Bruised all over."

I shake my head and return my gaze back to her. She is staring through the doorway emptily, probably a lot of things going through her head and how it went... think it would have been better if we were a bit faster on that ladder.

What can you do?

I push myself away from the basin and head towards her. I rest my hands on her waist and look down at her as transfers her gaze up to me, our faces are inches away from one another.

"You smell like dirt."

She laughs at me. "And your breath, as much as I can smell the mint I can still smell the vomit on your breath."

"At least the rest of me smells good?"

"It is passible at best."

"I can't do much about that either, side effects."

"Are you always going to have that on your breath?"

"Kiss me before I try not to die next time."

The smile fades, and she lowers her head resting her forehead against my collarbone. "B.O.B. couldn't get you out... I was scared that I led you all this way to die. That I find someone-"

I stop her. "Know what I was getting myself into. Besides, imagine if it wasn't me. Rather take that gamble with someone that can take that risk than someone that ain't as gifted as me."

She nods. "Still. Leaving you behind... I felt like shit. Still feel like it."

"Payback for scaring the shit out of you."

She chuckles. "Yeah. Fuck you for that. All you have been doing is making my heart sink into my boots wondering if I got you killed."

"Shouldn't that be on me?"

"Can only blame you for so much before it starts looking like I am the negative."

I weakly lift my hand to her chin, lifting her head to face me. "You are."

"You picked your poison," she lifts herself to kiss me, "don't blame me when you are the one stuck wondering if sticking 'round was a good idea."

Doesn't matter if it was a good or bad idea. I just know where I wanted to be at this moment, and where I'd like to stay going forward. As long as she'd have me by her side, if not? Then I suppose I'd have to move on.

Pulling away, she whispers to me. "Let me clean up, get some rest. Okay?"

I nod. "Mind me crashing here?"

"Wasn't going to send you walking back to town."

"Never hurts asking."

"There has to come to a point where you should know what I'd allow."

I scoff. "As if I can read your mind."

"Not part of your gifts?"

"If only."

She lifts her hand to the side of my jaw, patting it gently she escapes from my hold and heads to clean herself up. I head to get some rest because at any given moment I will be on the floor passed out.

Rather get comfortable before then.

Origins (Overwatch Ashe x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now