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"What's next?" Ashe asks.

"I need a new processor for the rig I'm building into my bike," Frankie replies. "And then there are some tools we should get if Cole and Julian haven't ... picked them up ..."

The hacker trailed off, her gaze locking on something over Ashe's shoulder.

"Heeeey, Frankie," said a voice, with an edged sort of friendliness.

The two of us turn around to find a pair of young men standing nearby—gang members, given the matching insignias they wore on their jackets. I cock my head and narrow my eyes at the sight of them, recognizing the snake symbol. Not just gang members.


"Look, Bez," the one who had spoken was pale and stocky, with a shaved head and mean eyes. He nudged his friend with an elbow, mouth turning up into a smile that hinted at malice. "It's Frankie."

The other Diamondback was taller and slighter, with a warm complexion and black hair with a pronounced widow's peak. Unlike his companion, his expression was more guarded.

"Hey, Frankie-girl," he said finally, his voice carefully neutral.

"Hi, Bez." It was impossible to miss the hint of apprehension in her tone. "Zeke." She said the second name as if there were some terrible memories.

"Haven't seen you in months," Bez continued, taking a moment to size up Ashe as he spoke. "Thought you might have left town."

"Not yet," Frankie said simply.

"Aren't you going to introduce us to your new friends?" Zeke leered at Ashe.

"They can introduce themselves."

Ashe stood straighter and took a step forward. "Name's Calamity."

Bez's face softened briefly with surprise. "Calamity? The same Calamity who beat Dezba at Trout's the other night?"

"That's me." Ashe locked eyes with him. "I'm building a new racing bike, and I've hired Frankie to help."

"So that's what you're doing now?" Zeke guffawed an obnoxious sound that made me want to guide him outside the only way I know how to. "Wow, Marco is going to be livid when he finds out you're wasting time on that sort of—"

"Shut up, Zeke," interjected Bez. Bez's mouth thinned a little as if he was carefully considering what to say next. "He's right, though. Racing bikes? Really? Seems like a step down from being a Diamondback. Especially for someone with your talents."

"I guess some might see it like that." Frankie's voice was cool.

His gaze settles on me. "Don't know you either."

"Don't care to know you."

He nods slowly. "On that, we can share something."

"You reckon the two of you would be leaving soon?"

He narrows his eyes at me, I can tell that we are one false step away from a confrontation.

He then looks back at Franky. "Well, maybe when you're done with Calamity here, you'll give us another chance. Marco keeps asking when you're coming back."

Frankie's expression darkened. "Is he still running things the same as before?"

Bez nods.

"Then never. I choose who I work with, and when. That was always the deal."

"You should be begging him to let you come back," Zeke spat. "There's not another gang within five hundred miles of Bellerae that's better than—"

"These two bothering you, boss?" Cole appeared suddenly, one hand resting on the butt of his revolver. Julian trailed warily behind him, a bulging satchel slung over his shoulder and some boxes at his feet.

Bez looked at Cole, then back at Frankie and Ashe. "No need to start something, pretty boy. We were just saying hello to an old friend. Right, Frankie-girl?"

Some of the tension left Frankie's shoulders. "Yeah, right. Everything's fine, Cole."

"She building you two a racing bike, too?" Bez didn't wait for them to reply, clearly smart enough to see beyond the half-truth. "We need to get going anyway. Marco hates when we're late getting back from a supply run."

"Then why don't you do that." Still somewhat confused by the interaction.

I gesture to the door. "Go on."

A touch of amusement on Bez's face. "C'mon, Zeke," he said, leading the sour-looking Diamondback away.

"Good to see you, Frankie. Really. If you ever want to get back to something other than making glorified toys, be sure to stop by."

As soon as the pair were gone, the air around them felt lighter. "You okay, Frankie?" Ashe asks. "What was that all about?"

Frankie sighs, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Let's just say Marco, the leader of the Diamondbacks, wasn't exactly happy when I stopped working for them."

"Huh," said Julian, still watching the direction Bez and Zeke had gone. "I guess it's a good thing Marco wasn't with them then."

"You have no idea," said Frankie. "If we'd run into him instead ..." She didn't finish the thought. "But you'll never find Marco doing any real work. He'd rather spend his time barking orders and feeling full of himself. That was Benito Sanchez—Bez—the gang's second-in-command. Marco may be the leader, but Bez is the one who makes sure they have things like food on the table and fuel in the gas tanks. He was also the only real friend I had when I was working with the gang."

"Still think he's your friend?" Ashe asks.

Frankie looked unsure. "When I told him I was leaving, he didn't try to stop me. But he didn't understand, either. The Diamondbacks are the toughest gang around—to them, that means everyone should want to be part of their crew. Unlike me, though, Bez doesn't have any other family or friends. And I just couldn't put up with Marco. So, I left."

Julian scoffed. "They didn't look that tough. I bet we could take them."

"We're not taking anyone," Ashe interjected. "We've got a plan to follow, and it doesn't involve the Diamondbacks. Did you get what we needed?"

Julian nodded and patted his satchel. "Right here and ready to go." "Good. Then let's get the rest of the stuff and get out of here before anyone else runs into more 'old friends.' "

I nod as I start heading outside. "You lot finish up here, I'll be taking a quick stroll and then I'll meet the rest of you in a bit."

Ashe nods. "Don't disappear on us."

"Nah, not yet."

I leave the place with my hands dug into my pockets. I can still sense their trail, I instinctively follow the way they went before using my newly discovered adaption to my powers and amplifying my body to increase my agility.

I scale the building close to us with ease to see them wandering away in the distance.

I mutter to myself. "Was hoping to stretch my muscles."

I glance at my fingertips to see the electricity surge through my body. I shake my hand only for the sizzling to disappear. The question on my mind is; am I still human or is this part of being able to use these powers?

Maybe electricity that I don't generate would stop my heart if it travelled through it. I'd rather not figure it out... some things make more sense if not explained.

I hop down from the roof and head to the nearby stores. See if there is a drugstore that can give me a boost.

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