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***   Ashe POV   ***

He collapses into my arms. Freak out!? How am I not supposed to freak out!?

"B.O.B. grab him."

He walks over grabbing (Y/N).

"Get your butt up," I yell at Cole, I sling the rifle over my shoulder and then lead into a dash.

As unconcerned as he'd sounded a moment ago, Cole was on his feet in a flash. Followed by B.O.B., we bolted back up to the ridge. The boulders there would give us at least some cover, but not enough to fully hide our escape, that I am certain of. Behind us, the lights of the security drones grew brighter.

The truck was where they'd left it, hidden near a thicket of desert sage. "Drive!" Cole started to climb into the truck's cargo bed. "I'll try to keep them off us."

I push him aside. "You said revolver. I said rifle, remember? You drive; I shoot."

Cole hesitates for a moment, but there was no time for an argument. "Shoulda grabbed some extra ammo, I guess."

"Live and learn." I turn to my butler. "Set him down in the front seat. You hide, B.O.B.; those are Arbalest drones. They get one good look at you and our cover is blown. Once we're away, head for home on foot."

The omnic nodded and went dark, crouching in between the rocks after dropping off (Y/N). I would send him with B.O.B. but we don't even know if there is nothing wrong with him.

I jump into the truck bed as Cole revved the engine. A moment later, we were moving, but the terrain was bumpy enough to keep us from gaining much speed. Meanwhile, the security drones were drawing closer.

B.O.B. wasn't the only one I couldn't risk them seeing.

I take a few precious moments to tear a bit of the lining from my duster, then wrapped it around the lower half of my face. It would have to do.

The desert came into view the moment we reached the road and Cole floored it.

But not fast enough.

The drones are in range now, half a dozen of them. They were silver and bulbous, almost beetle-like, each equipped with a glaring spotlight bright enough to make spots dance in front of my eyes.

"Desist your movement."  The drones announced in unison, forceful and metallic. "Please ready yourself for identification and investigation."

Not a chance.

I raise the rifle, the truck rattled over the ageing road, but I took a deep breath, steadying myself before I pulled the trigger.


One of the lights exploded, quickly followed by a scrape of sparks as the metal carapace of the destroyed robot tumbled across the asphalt.

Immediately, the remaining drones tightened their formation, the front ones acting as a shield for the back.

I let out a bark of laughter. "One down!"

"Only one?" Cole called back.

"I'm workin' on it!" I raise the rifle again, but the truck dipped as it hit a pothole, tossing me around like a toy. Sharp pain burst through me as I came down hard on one elbow. "Ah, damn it! You wanna drive straight, Cassidy?"

"I am!" Jesse calls back. "You want a smooth ride? 'Borrow' a truck with lev rims next time!"

Ignoring him I pull myself up only to see our pursuers approaching again, this time more aggressively.

Origins (Overwatch Ashe x Male Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora