Chapter 121: Trending

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Oct. 21, 8:08 AM PT
WTF??? Is that Camilla Wyatt??? She's alive?????

Oct. 21, 11:13 AM ET
okay srsly what the hell is going on out there in the wild west

Oct. 21, 8:22 AM PT
Metas battle in front of Denour Plaza in San Francisco, home of GEN Studios. Authorities are advising the public to avoid the area.

Oct. 21, 8:35 AM PT
Footage of the battle from the lobby of #DenourPlaza. At the end, we were helped by what appeared to be Elsie Bates and former Capt. Camilla Wyatt, along with others.

Oct. 21, 11:47 AM ET
The federal government has authorized a communication lockdown for San Francisco. Phone lines and internet services within the city are down indefinitely.

Oct. 21, 3:55 PM GMT
hey america, u ok?

Oct. 21, 9:04 AM PT
Sources that escaped the #SFLockdown report that the majority of the meta forces at #DenourPlaza have fled. One meta surrendered without incident, and is rumored to be Capt Amira Pala.

Oct. 21, 9:15 AM PT
JUST IN: The US gov't is locking down ALL OF NORCAL to track down "meta fugitives." But sources inside the Org tell us there's a conspiracy at work. Follow for live updates. #DenourPlaza

Oct. 21, 10:22 AM PT
Internet sleuths from around the world have managed to recover the #FarallonFiles from GEN Studios' website before it went down. Link below. Viewer discretion is advised. #DenourPlaza

Oct. 21, 1:07 PM CT
Saw some of the #FarallonFiles just now. Excuse me while I go throw up.

Oct. 21, 1:36 PM AKT
Absolutely disgusting. I bet my left kidney that the feds knew everything about the #FarallonFiles

Oct. 21, 7:24 PM MT
Obviously fake #FarallonFiles

Oct. 22, 8:27 AM PT
Protestors begin to gather in front of Org bases throughout the west coast after the release of the #FarallonFiles at #DenourPlaza yesterday morning.

Oct. 22, 1:39 PM ET
"We had absolutely no knowledge of the #FarallonFiles." Org officials respond to protests at the western bases.

Oct. 22, 2:53 PM PT
"How many innocent people did we have to lose to their games?" Protestors react to the #FarallonFiles at the Org's San Diego base.

Oct. 23, 8:16 PM PT
22 arrests and 37 injuries were reported at the Portland Base protests today, following public outcry over the #FarallonFiles. #DenourPlaza #DenouementScandal

Oct. 24, 3:27 PM PT
omfg im at the la protest and legit almost died just now but some mystery meta just saved me??? #dreamcometrue #imdying

Oct. 25, 12:42 PM PT
Numerous witnesses have reported seeing unidentified metas coming to the aid of endangered civilians at the #DenouementProtests. They claim these metas are the ones that released the #FarallonFiles, including Camilla Wyatt.

Oct. 25, 1:34 PM PT
SFPD reopens its case on the 14AE-death of meta-human researcher Dr Keninchi Tanoue after the release of the #FarallonFiles.

Oct. 25, 3:26 PM PT
We combed through the #FarallonFiles (so you won't have to). Here are our 10 biggest takeaways:

Oct. 25, 5:02 PM ET
The UN announced that the IMC would take over the investigation into the APO, effective immediately. #FarallonFiles #Denouement

Oct. 27, 6:34 AM ET
BREAKING: The IMC released a list of APO officials with connections to the #FarallonFiles. Sources say most names were provided by Bridgette Hester as part of a plea deal.

Nov. 1, 2:17 PM PT
The IMC requests for all rogue metas from #DenourPlaza to turn themselves in to authorities with the promise of clemency. But experts argue that the IMC has no power to grant clemency within the US. #Denouement

Nov. 4, 12:20 PM PT
LIVE: Camilla Wyatt, Elsie Bates, and Hitomi Andou surrender to IMC authorities at the APO Sacramento Base amidst ongoing protests. #Denouement #FarallonFiles

Nov. 4, 2:42 PM CT
after all the shit she went thru, camilla still looks hot af #wyatter4life

Nov. 4, 12:57 PM HT
Serious props to #CamillaWyatt. If I was her, I would not trust any government figure for the rest of my life. Like ever. #Denouement #FarallonFiles

Nov. 7, 11:05 AM ET
Camilla Wyatt to make a public statement from IMC custody at 10:30 AM PT. Experts believe she will signal to her allies on whether or not they too should surrender.

Nov. 9, 2:39 PM CT
The prestigious Sacramento-based law firm Woods and Walters offered to represent dozens of the rogue metas and their families pro bono. #Denouement

Nov. 10, 1:48 PM PT
The IMC estimates that about 85% of the rogue metas and their non-meta allies have surrendered to authorities, 3 days after Camilla Wyatt's public statement.

Nov. 12, 7:14 PM CT
HOLD UP. so your saying that the metas that fought after being literally tortured at farallon are now being IMPRISONED at farallon after peacefully surrendering? what kind of bs is this??? #deneument

Nov. 14, 10:52 AM PT
W&W lawyer Nathan Bates thanked the IMC for accommodating changes in living arrangements for the firm's clients. Bates' firm is also representing his sisters Elsie and Beverly.

Nov. 17, 5:41 AM ET
BREAKING: An anonymous source leaked the DOJ's list of victims identified in the #FarallonFiles. The document names 226 of the thousands of victims, the youngest being 9 y/o Garrick Herrera.

Nov. 19, 8:34 AM ET
The first #Denouement trials are being held in Phoenix, AZ and Norfolk, VA today, where local APO officials are facing corruption charges revealed by the #FarallonFiles.

Nov. 24, 11:40 AM MT
JUST IN: Flagstaff-natives Elsie and Beverly Bates, along with Minyoung and Minseok "Jordan" Song, are pardoned by the US Govt for their involvement with rogue metas and their actions against federal agencies.

Nov. 24, 1:00 PM PT
Below is my official statement on the matter. I'm grateful for everyone's support, but I can't rest until my friends are given the freedom they deserve. Until then, Elsie.

Nov. 24, 11:16 PM PT
#FreeCamillaWyatt #DropTheOrg #FarallonFiles #DenourPlaza #Denouement #DenouementScandal #JusticeForGarrick

Nov. 27, 5:47 PM PT
BREAKING: Former Capt Camilla Wyatt is found innocent of conspiring with Exodos and pardoned of all actions against the US.

Nov. 27, 6:02 PM PT
I'm calling it now: #Elmilla is official. #DidYouSeeThatHug #PRIDE

Nov. 29, 7:31 PM ET
26 rogue guardians have been pardoned since the incident at #DenourPlaza. Critics argue that this number is still far from enough. #Denouement

Dec. 5, 4:22 PM PT
Former Senior Chief Yara Ali will not be pardoned for her actions revealed in the #FarallonFiles. She will stand trial for her alleged role in the APO's cover-ups.

Dec. 14, 12:38 PM ET
Amidst calls for reform, the IMC reaffirmed their rule that all Class 2 metas and above are required to serve as guardians until they qualify for retirement. (1/2)

It's unclear how this impacts ex-Exodos metas, who are all still awaiting trial. Activists are calling for this law to be reevaluated, or to allow exceptions for the victims identified in #FarallonFiles. (2/2)


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