Chapter 92: Knowledge is Power

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But Lee didn't seem the least bit bothered by Camilla's reminder.

"Really?" Lee asked, raising an eyebrow as she hummed thoughtfully. "But I heard you were dead. It's not like I could get in trouble for helping a dead person."

"Why would you help us anyway?" Camilla replied without missing a beat.

Lee shrugged. "Maybe not everyone in the Org is out to get you like you thought."

Camilla waited for more of an explanation, but Lee didn't seem like she was about to reveal anything else. That meant they were faced with metas with unknown intentions, who were possibly holding more of their friends, and the only upper hand they had was Hitomi and Nakia against Perez. Giving that up would mean they would entrust Lee with their lives.

But holding onto that leverage would make them seem aggressive, and Camilla was certain that they couldn't hold their ground against more than two other metas. While it would be more comforting to hold the slightest advantage, the wiser move would be to play along until they could get a better idea of the situation.

So Camilla angled her head slightly towards the center of the room, keeping Lee in her peripheral vision.

"Hitomi, Nakia," Camilla said. "That's enough."

Nakia obeyed immediately, releasing Perez and jumping to their feet in one fluid motion. Hitomi was a little more reluctant, and she even gave Perez's arm and neck one last squeeze in warning before carefully letting go and standing back up.

Perez grumbled to himself as he also stood, massaging his neck and shoulders. He sent a quick glare to Hitomi, who gladly returned it, then looked to Nakia.

"When did you get so good?" he asked, sounding more surprised than anything.

Nakia stared at him blankly for a second before looking at Camilla, ignoring Perez. With that settled, Camilla turned to Lee again.

"Is that how it's gonna be?" Perez muttered, but didn't press the matter anymore.

After verifying that Perez was released, Lee slowly lowered her hands, pulling her mask off in the process. She gave Camilla a small smile, as if she was happy to see her, but Camilla wasn't in the mood to play nice.

"So what are you really here for?" Camilla continued.

"Let's get those things off of you first," Lee said instead.

She looked back into the hallway where several others must have been waiting, and one person handed her something small and nearly completely concealed by their hand. Camilla didn't see what it was until Lee approached her, and she held out what looked like a small remote controller.

At the sight of it, Camilla immediately took a step back before she could stop herself, walking right into Elsie. Just as quickly, Elsie stepped between Camilla and Lee, mostly blocking Camilla from Lee's view. Even though Elsie would probably never stand a chance against Lee in a fight, Camilla still felt slightly comforted by the gesture.

"I can do it," Hitomi thankfully interjected, leaving her spot next to Perez.

With a shrug, Lee handed the device over.

"We'll be waiting outside then," Lee said, then nodded at Perez to follow.

Perez grumpily obeyed, and Lee let him go ahead first. She took the moment to let her gaze travel around the room before stopping at AJ, and a small smile appeared on her face.

"You know, I couldn't believe it at first," Lee began. "When your brother told us you were alive. In fact, I still find it hard to believe. But here you are, as if nothing ever happened."

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