Chapter 120: Taking a Stand

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"I'm going to go help the others," Camilla announced, looking at each of them. "If any of you want to stay back at the control room, that's fine."

Nakia rolled their eyes. "Of course I'm going with you, Cap. Besides, Mack and Finn are probably more than enough to protect them."

"Same," AJ agreed. "This sudden power restoration seems like my brother's work, and if Ian came over here when I specifically told him not to, then he and I have to have a little chat."

When Camilla looked at Elsie and Bev, Elsie immediately sighed softly.

"We're in this together, okay?" Elsie said. "I go where you go, and that's my choice to make."

"I know," Camilla replied, then took a deep breath. "I just wanted to say... thanks. For that, and everything else."

While she and Elsie exchanged heartfelt glances, Bev sighed loudly.

"That's cute and all, but I'm staying here," she interrupted bluntly. "Unlike some people, I still have my survival instincts."

"I'll protect her," Camilla assured.

"I don't doubt it," Bev said. "But protect yourself too, won't you? Otherwise, Elsie will end up doing something crazy."

"Promise you won't tell mom and dad?" Elsie asked warily.

Bev scoffed. "Are you kidding? That'll be the first thing I tell them. How else am I gonna take the heat off of me?"

"Well, I don't know," Elsie snapped. "But you don't have to throw me under the bus."

Bev rolled her eyes unsympathetically. "You should've thought of that before you told them I volunteered in Phoenix."

They parted ways shortly after, right about when Camilla and Nakia started to forcefully keep the sisters apart while AJ unhelpfully stood back to watch the drama unfold. Elsie's irritation at least helped to fire her up for whatever awaited them, and she led their group through the Plaza's hallways, running faster than Camilla had ever seen her move before.

When they got to the emergency staircase, they only made it two floors down before they encountered resistance. Unfortunately, it was not the Plaza's security like Camilla had hoped, and they were actually two full-fledged guardians. And Elsie was the first one they saw.

But before Camilla could set up a defense, Elsie already had fired her Stunner, sending one guardian to the floor. Their partner, however, was ready for Elsie's next attack and deftly dodged it with super speed before rushing up the stairs to attack.

"Hang on, Elsie!" Camilla shouted automatically, then picked Elsie up with a gust of wind, just like they had done so many times before during Elsie's filming, and the guardian ran right under her.

The motion felt so familiar and natural that Camilla trusted her instincts and Elsie's. So when the guardian began to approach her, and Camilla saw Elsie aim her Stunner in midair, Camilla made sure to hold her steady, right where she could get a clean shot. And a second later, the guardian froze in place for a moment before collapsing to the ground just like their partner had done.

"That was awesome," Nakia gushed as soon as Elsie touched back into the ground.

"And a little terrifying," Elsie admitted sheepishly, smoothly swapping out her Stunners to let them recharge.

"Sorry about that," Camilla quickly said. "I probably didn't have to fly you so high."

"They were the terrifying ones," Elsie corrected, pointing her new Stunner at the unconscious guardians. "Okay, maybe the flying caught me a little off-guard, but I trust you. Besides, it felt like the old days. It was fun, in a weird way."

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