Chapter 77: CAT

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It quickly became apparent that it wasn't easy to plan a heist against a top secret federal agency. Elsie had predicted that, of course, but the slow planning process still made her impatient. After their group's (nicknamed CAT, or Camilla Acquisition Team, by Mack) initial gathering, they tried to keep from meeting up all at once to avoid raising suspicions. This made their planning take even longer, especially because they didn't know when they were being monitored. While Hitomi had managed to share the software she used to ensure her laptop couldn't be tracked, there was only so much the rest of them could do with just their computers against one of the most secure facilities in the country.

After a week of this, it was obvious  their methods were definitely not working. Not only were they no closer to uncovering the secrets of Farallon, but they couldn't even verify Camilla had been taken there at all. The only lead they had was that they knew Quentin was looking for AJ and Ian, and the next time they met up as a complete group, they agreed they needed to bring Quentin into their plan as well.

Mack took charge of getting Quentin to meet up with them at the end of the week, disguising it as a get-together at his apartment for the sake of boosting the kids' morale. Initially, Quentin didn't seem very keen on the idea, but when Mack hinted that Elsie might be there, Quentin eventually gave in.

On the day of the meeting, everyone arrived at Mack's apartment early to find that Jordan had taken the extra steps to make their excuse for Quentin an actual reality. With Mack and Minyoung's help, they prepared an assortment of snacks and beverages for everyone; Elsie even spotted Jordan's karaoke machine ready to go.

"I figured... why not?" Jordan said sheepishly when Elsie asked. "I don't know about you guys but I've just been constantly worried this whole time. No one said this fake party couldn't be a real one, right?"

When no one answered right away, too busy exchanging glances or studying the set-up, Jordan paled.

"That's a serious question, by the way. Did someone say it couldn't be a real party? Because I can totally put everything back—"

"No, it's fine!" Elsie said. "It's... perfect actually. I think we all could use this. Thanks."

Even if the fake party wasn't wanted, Jordan's resulting smile was worth it.

By the time Quentin arrived about an hour later, their impromptu get-together had actually become a real party. Their plan was to give Quentin a chance to get comfortable in the environment before Hitomi approached him to verify his trustworthiness, and while Elsie thought it seemed almost as if they were hunting, she had to agree it was the best move.

But as soon as Quentin was done being greeted by Mack at the door, his eyes immediately locked onto Elsie's and he began heading straight in her direction. Elsie stifled her surprise as best as she could, but she didn't know what to do after that.

She had to act. Her role? A heartbroken, traumatized young woman whose life was threatened almost a month ago by someone she considered a friend. She played worse parts.

"Hey, Quentin," Elsie said, giving him a small, tentative smile.

"Elsie, hey," Quentin returned, slightly nervous as well.

Elsie hadn't seen Quentin in almost a year, ever since he and Amira acted as her bodyguards. At the time, she always saw Quentin as an eager and talented rookie guardian who could always be counted on to add some energy into a room. But like most guardians Elsie knew, he had changed significantly since then, and a sense of desperate determination seemed to mask the weight of his exhaustion.

His bloodshot eyes darted around the room before returning to Elsie, and he hesitated a moment before continuing.

"Sorry, but can we talk? In private?"

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