Chapter 100: True Allegiance

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"That's Captain Pala to you, traitors," Amira's hushed voice sounded cold and harsh, and it almost sent a shiver of fear up Elsie's spine. "You all should've been a little more careful when you crossed the border. Here I was, wondering where you would pop up, only to find that the bugs I planted here were mysteriously getting jammed. I'm taking you all in, Bates included. After listening to you all talk, it's obvious she's not your hostage." Her grip on Elsie's arm tightened. "She's just as guilty as the rest of you."

As much as Elsie wanted to test Amira's hold on her, she forced herself to keep completely still. She had seen and felt what had happened when Mack and Camilla took energy accidentally, and she saw the damage that Camilla caused when she took energy intentionally. Elsie was sure she did not want to experience the wrath of an experienced and vengeful healer.

So instead, she found Camilla in the dark stairwell above her and tried to communicate with just her gaze that she was alright. But judging by Camilla's wild eyes, and by the sight of Hitomi holding her back from doing something stupid, Elsie's efforts were worthless.

"Leave her out of this," Camilla snapped instead, almost too loudly.

"You shouldn't have brought her into this, Wyatt," Amira replied coolly. "And aren't you supposed to be dead? Let me guess: you faked your death to regroup with Exodos."

"Captain Pala, we can explain," Abby said calmly, raising her hands to appear non-threatening. "The Org isn't what you think."

"Don't try to push your damn conspiracy theories onto me," Amira hissed. "I thought you knew better than to believe that crap, Lee. And damn you, Wyatt, for filling Nakia's head with that shit too."

"She didn't," Nakia insisted, and Elsie could almost hear tears in their voice. "Please, Mi—Amira, you have to listen. What Captain Lee's saying is true."

"She's not a captain anymore, Nakia," Amira said, almost sounding disappointed by her sibling's words. "None of you are ranked anymore. You're felons. And the only place you're going is Farallon."

Automatically, Elsie's gaze snapped to Camilla in worry. And while Camilla did seem to falter for a moment at the mention of the prison, she stood strong, just as Elsie had hoped.

"Like hell I'm going back there," Camilla said defiantly, almost looking ready to jump down the stairs and tackle them.

Elsie was suddenly grateful that Hitomi had the super strength to hold Camilla back.

Amira scoffed. "Like you know what it's like. Why would they send a dead traitor to prison?"

"It's not just a prison," Abby insisted. "It's basically a maximum security research facility, and Hester's a mad scientist. That place is like a high-tech sandbox: she does whatever she wants, without having to answer to anyone. And she's hurting, even killing, innocent people to do it."

"Are you even listening to yourself?" Amira asked. "Sure, Hester may be a little nuts, but you sound just as crazy. There's no way no one could do whatever they want without the Org knowing. Not even a first-gen guardian like Hester."

"But the Org does know," Abby continued. "They're the ones letting her run wild. They want her to experiment on innocent people, guardians included."

"It's true!" Nakia pleaded. "Amira, you have to believe us. I was there! We went there to save Cap. Hester had almost killed her, Amira."

"This is all your fault, Wyatt," Amira snapped. "Nakia's always looked up to you. And now you've got them risking their life for you."

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