Chapter 14: Guardian Gossip

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The next twenty-four hours dragged by without incident, and Elsie was discharged the following morning. As a parting gift, the hospital sent her off with a goody bag of medication, an arm sling, and roughly translated verbal instructions on how to care for her injury. During this ordeal, Elsie practiced her acting skills by pretending like she was paying attention since she knew Minyoung was already taking note of every single detail.

Afterwards, they were unceremoniously shuffled out of the hospital by the Embassy's loaned security team. Elsie had only seen them whenever they poked their heads in her room, since she hadn't been allowed to leave, so seeing the stoic group up-close was slightly intimidating. It was made worse when they ignored her feeble attempts to make conversation, and they only spoke when they were providing her with instructions or they were giving each other status updates. The lack of chatter made Elsie restless; Minyoung merely rolled his eyes at her misery.

They arrived at Elsie's hotel without catching the attention of a single photographer that Elsie knew of. From what she gathered, the whole journey was a tight-lipped operation, especially since no one knew anything about the attackers from the Games. It was surreal being in the middle of a situation she had only seen played out on a screen, and she honestly hoped she wouldn't have to deal with it for long.

Finally, after a brief security sweep of her hotel room, they left her alone to flop back onto her bed in peace. Well, alone with Minyoung, but Elsie was an expert at ignoring him.

"Hurry up and get packed," he nagged as he kicked the bed frame. "We have to be at the airport in an hour."

"Plenty of time for a nap," Elsie grumbled in reply.

As much as she wanted to sleep, she knew Minyoung would eventually take matters into his own hands and pack her stuff for her. While he was normally organized and neat with his own belongings, he tended to have no regard for Elsie's things. So when she heard him zipping open her suitcases, she dragged herself upright two minutes later and haphazardly threw her belongings into her luggage herself. Single-handedly, she might add, because she really did have only one functional hand, which she reminded Minyoung of multiple times.

A knock came at the door ten minutes before they were supposed to leave, and Elsie didn't feel ready at all. Thankfully, Minyoung answered it so Elsie could stress in peace. By the time he returned, Elsie had managed to squeeze all of her belongings into her bags, but she was pretty sure there was no way she could carry it on her own.

"It's fine," Minyoung said when Elsie told him her predicament. "One of the new guards outside gladly offered to help carry your things."

"Really?" Elsie was doubtful that one of those stoic characters would ever make such an offer. And to do so "gladly" was out of the question.

"They're guardians, and before you go off and embarrass me," Minyoung needed to add, because Elsie's eyebrows had already shot up in interest. "Remember, they are here to protect you from whatever shit you've gotten yourself into. They've just finished competing in the Games and are now being assigned to protect you, so don't think they'll be eager to sit around for a friendly chat. Just... don't embarrass me, alright? Or yourself, for that matter."

Elsie had been nodding in agreement the entire time. While she wasn't as obsessed with guardians as other people were, she could spot a rare opportunity when she saw one. And being able to chat with actual guardians while she was preparing for a movie role as a meta? The timing was absolutely perfect.

"I know, I know, okay?" she assured impatiently. "I'll behave. Now, what are we waiting for? Let's go."

The two guardians that were waiting outside greeted Elsie in the hallway, and she immediately recognized them both from the team battles. Quentin Juneau, the Class 3 liquids and air guardian, was the one who had volunteered to carry Elsie's luggage, and he shook Elsie's offered hand enthusiastically.

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