"Thank you, Mr. Lee. You may leave now. I'll take the call. Let's call it a day," I said, exhaustion creeping into my tone.

"Thank you, Mr. Kim. Have a nice day," Mr. Lee bid me farewell with a smile before exiting the room.

As soon as Mr. Lee departed, I answered the call with excitement evident in my voice. "Sunbaenim!" I greeted him eagerly.

"Taehyungaa, we have a project," he announced, sparking a surge of anticipation within me.

Author POV:

Mr. Lee entered the financial development area, making his way towards the desks of Choi Yeonjun and Choi Soobin. With a sense of purpose, he handed them the papers, informing them of their new project.

"Choi Yeonjun, Choi Soobin, I'm here to hand over these papers to you both. This is a new project our company has taken on with a German clothing brand. Mr. Kim wanted you both to handle it," Mr. Lee stated firmly.

Initially taken aback, the two Chois exchanged bewildered glances. "Sorry, Mr. Lee, I think you've got the wrong table," Soobin replied confidently.

Mr. Lee nodded in understanding, realizing their disbelief. As the gravity of the situation sank in, Yeonjun and Soobin erupted into joyful exclamations, unable to contain their excitement.

"Guys, pay attention," Mr. Lee interjected, his tone stern yet amused by their reaction.

"Yes, Mr. Lee," Yeonjun replied, his excitement still palpable.

"We want you both to focus on this project and aim for significant profit. Yeonjun, prepare statistical data on future sales predictions and submit it to my table," Mr. Lee instructed them, emphasizing the importance of their task.

"Okay, Mr. Lee. Thank you," Soobin acknowledged, his voice brimming with enthusiasm.

With that, Mr. Lee left the two ecstatic young men to absorb the news, leaving them speechless and eager to dive into their new assignment.


Someone's POV

Two men in full black are chasing me, but I don't know why. There is no chance that the police can find me, but who are these two men following me? With this thought, I just entered an alley. Both men who are running after me look even scarier in the dim lighting of this alley.

I can't see their faces because they are wearing masks, but those two pairs of bloodshot eyes are enough to terrify me. Holy shit! This fence blocked the way. This is the end of my life; I'm trapped. I turn to see if they are still there, and here they are, taking slow steps towards me because they fucking know that I can't run away.

"Oh! You guys. Why are you following me?" I ask them, but they are not ready to answer my question.

I thought that I could run away in another direction, but I was wrong. Even before I started running, two muscular hands dragged me and slammed me hard into the wall near the fence. I can't see his full eyes because his hair covered half of his


"Ouch! Why are you dragging me?? You asshole," I shout at him, but he doesn't even flinch. The other guy who came with him out of nowhere towers over me. I can literally hear my heartbeat. I am freaking out at this moment.

I'm startled when he suddenly speaks, "What did you do to Sara??" I question myself how he knew about Sara? Even though they won't believe me, I try to act innocent before these two giants.

"Saral Who is Sara? I don't know anybody named Sara?" I say to him, but he is not surprised by my reply.

"Oh! So you don't know Sara," the other man speaks, gripping my neck even harder. I can't take this anymore, "Then I will tell you who Sara is. She is one of your classmates in high school." The other says while gritting his teeth, and he suddenly cuts my wrist.

"Arghhhh! What the fuck! Why are you hurting me? Who are you?" I scream in pain. "Then tell me what you did to Sara?" I remain quiet after he questions me. Moreover, he starts cutting my hard four to five times. I can't bear the pain anymore. There is

no chance I can escape from this


"Don't hurt me. I'll tell the truth," I tell him. He just hums as an answer, so I continue my confession. "She is my high school crush. I proposed to her a few times, but she rejected me every time. She broke my heart into pieces. I got frustrated and made a plan to destroy her. I executed the plan; I threw an acid bottle in her face. From that onwards, she won't be that arrogant to reject anyone in her life.

Hereafter, nobody will be proposing to her in the first place," I reply with a bit of hesitance.
He again starts cutting my wrist. The blood starts to drip from my fingers and touches the cold ground. Is he fucking kidding me? I ask myself. Why is he cutting my wrist continuously, and what in the world is he. asking me about that bitch?

He suddenly speaks, "Hyung, come out." I'm quite surprised to see another two members walking out from the dark. One man is wearing all black, but in the other, I can't see who it is. When they come into the moonlight, I recognize her; she is Sara.

"Sara, take this gun. Kill him," the man before me hands her the gun. "Sara, please don't do that. Sara, please. I'm sorry, Sara. Don't shoot me," I plead with her, but even before I recognize what is happening, without hesitation, she shoots me thrice in my heart where she lived a while ago.

"I'm sorry, Saraaa." These were the words I wanted to say to her, but before that, she started walking in the opposite direction. I can't take my eyes off her. I can't bear this pain. I slowly start to feel drowsy, and my body touches the cold ground. The last thing I saw was her dark brown eyes that I loved most about her.

Next day

Author's POV

This is always a normal day to go with lots of road accidents, crime, and murders, but on the other hand, Mr.Kim started today peacefully.

"Mr. Kung, be careful," Taehyung said to his driver because of the sudden break. "Sorry, sir. This road is crowded because of the murder that happened in this alley," he apologized.

His eyes landed on a handsome man who crossed his car with grace. Taehyung's driver drove past that alley, but his eyes are still stuck on that man.

"Sir, can you tell me what happened to this man?" Mr. Handsome asked the doctor. "Yes, Mr. Lucas Wong. This man died around one o'clock in the morning. We can see bruises on his neck, indicating that he was choked by someone, and his both wrists had been cut 9 times. Before he died because of that cut, he was shot 3 times in his heart and died miserably," the doctor explained the detective about that crime.

"Mr. Chen, did you identify any fingerprint or did you see any security camera footage?" Mr. Wong again questioned his officer. That officer replied to him, "No, sir. There is no fingerprint or surveillance camera near this alley."

Mr. Wong started to think about how he can investigate this case further without the evidence of who did this crime. He deeply sighed, knowing that this sure will be a headache for him. He left that place while thinking,



(A/N: Hi guys, I am a new FF writer, but I am not new to writing. There are more plots, wait for it. Drop comments about what you guys think. If you like this FF,

please vote and support me.)

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