Part 78: Blue to Green to Blue (Henry POV)

Start from the beginning

Well, evidently I have an ally in Wilson, or a fellow enemy of Graham. I look at my bag. I love her! Why am I ready to chuck it all?

I exhale and sit on our bed. Our bed. She actually fought for that:

"I just don't think it is fitting for you to stay in her house," Graham argued. "Think of her reputation!"

"Graham, I have stayed under the same roof with this man for over a year," she argued. "on promotions, during filmings! That horse, as they say, is out of the barn!"

"But, my lady—"

"I'm done, Graham, done!" She turned away from him and looked up at me. "So, where do we stay-the guesthouse or main?"

"Wherever you want." I told her softly. "Wherever you are."

I never really had to compete for her before, I realized. The tables turned. Project offers had come in by the stack, and honestly, I had agents sort through that unless it got my attention straight away. She was mostly going through them, and trying to do it herself since she did not trust Graham, smart girl. I was glad of that; I didn't either, though on the surface he seemed dedicated to his job. I had models and actors and some entrepreneurs admire me, but she had that and the gentry sniffing after her money and newfound fortune. And if they got close enough, they'd know how much of a gem she really is. The memory of comments and dirty looks about us return to me in a wave, and all I could do was hold her through it, assure her, as others tore her apart without so much as a word with her.

It's worse in society; they judge, research, and then find evidence to support whatever they want to see or others to see, but not necessarily whole truths if any truth at all. I knew this and often tried to avoid it by my choices as I got older.

What had gotten into me? Not one year ago, I was fighting a stage and set carpenter in a backyard, only my opponent and I knowing it was more than sport, but about her.


You want to go home.

Or wherever Henry is.

You want to talk with him about all this. You thought you had, but lately, you can't seem to stay on the same page. You want to do some rebuilding and contributing to the land your ancestors were on. You want to form some partnerships to help Edenvale, especially with the nearby colleges and universities. What is wrong with that?

"Lady Edenvale?"

"Lady Edenvale?"

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Jared sighs. "Are you alright? You seem distracted."

"Oh, long day, I guess," you take a cleansing breath. 

"I see you confined Graham to the car?"

"I can handle this," you say evenly. Deal with Henry later, he's not here to deal with now. "Sorry, Jared, really I am."

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