Gaining Stability

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Jasper pov

Daisy fell asleep in my arms and I didn't move. I just stayed there and held her. If I could cry, then I would. Our baby, our poor baby. It hadn't even crossed my mind to want a child with her. And it was definitely a surprise. How can you miss something you never even had? Well that's how I feel right now. I never even knew us having a child was a possibility. And now he or she has gone, and it breaks my lifeless heart

That's how the next week went. With daisy in bed, not eating or moving. I had to help her bath. She was like a zombie, in constant pain both physically and mentally, and I didn't know how to help. I had just got back from a hunt and went up to our room, expecting daisy to be in bed. However, when I got up there, daisy was in a pair of jeans and a black bra, looking through the wardrobe

"You doing OK honey?" I asked in shock. She looked back at me and smiled sadly

"I...I'm sorry. I know we should be grieving together but I havnt given you the chance and I've pushed everyone away. I'm sorry jazz, truly I am. I've realised now that we have to do this together. You don't tell me but I know you are upset by it all, of course you are. I shouldve been there for you as you were there for me" I walked closer and wrapped my arms around her, resting my head in the crook of her neck

"Don't ever apologise for that again. I love you Daisy, and I'm here for you, always" she kissed my cheek and then found one of my hoodies from the wardrobe

"I was thinking I should skate again. It's been so long and my skateboard is just sitting in the corner of the room, neglected. It might make me feel better, hopefully"

"I think that's a wonderful idea darling. You go and skate. I'll come with you. Your body still hasn't fully recovered and I don't want you pushing yourself too far" I kissed the tip of her nose and got myself ready. Then we left and went into town. They had built a skate park on our side of town these past few years, so I took daisy there. It was empty, most likely due to the weather

Watching her smile and laugh, it warmed my cold soul. God, it had been so long since I have heard that laugh. Daisy walked over to me after noticing me watching her

"Thank you" she said kissing my cheek

"For what?" I asked, my hands resting on her hips

"For everything" I smiled at her as she did me. But suddenly, her smile dropped. I couldn't figure out why. She looked at me and I looked at her for a few seconds, trying to figure out what the issue was. Daisy put her hand to her stomach and crouched over in agony

"Daisy!" I yelled out crouching next to her. Tears brimmed in her eyes as the pain got too much, and she collapsed onto the ground, her screams of agony echoing, inbedded into my brain for the rest of eternity

"It hurts!" Daisy cried out clutching her stomach. I held her in my arms and scanned her body for the cause. Blood, seeping through her jeans. Something was definitely wrong. I lifted her up and carried her back to Carlisle

"Carlisle! Carlisle!" I yelled and he was there in a flash, taking her from my bloodied arms and putting her in his office on a hospital bed. My hand swore shaking and I didn't know where to look. Daisy was no longer screaming for she had passed out

"Jasper what happened?"

"Jasper!" Carlisle repeated

"Er...erm she...she was skating and...and then just...she just screamed and fell to the ground c...clutching her...her stomach" I stuttered, my head spinning

Daisy pov

When I was skating with jazz, I began to feel nauseated. Perhaps I had over done myself. I went over to him in an attempt to steady myself with some light conversation. But that nausea soon turned into agonising cramps. My whole body was shaking and I felt colder than ever before.

It went dark, too dark. It felt peaceful, like I should be safe, yet I knew I wasn't. I kept thinking some horrid monster would jump out of the shadows yet there was nothing. So I wondered in the darkness. That's when I saw her.

A girl, she looked around age 6. Gorgeous curly blonde hair, alot like jasper's, and the bluest of eyes. Her cheeks were rosy and her smile was contagious. This gorgeous girl before me, this adorable thing, she ran over, arms open wide and yelled for her mummy

I don't know what made me do it. But I dropped to my knees and opened my arms, as if I knew that she was my child. Call it motherly instinct, but I just knew. Her arms went around my neck as I hugged her in shock

"I missed you mummy" she said

"Oh my sweetheart, mummy's missed you too, so much my love" I cried, kissing her head and stroking her hair, finding it impossible to let go

"You can leave mummy"


"You can turn back around. Go back to daddy" she says with small tears in her eyes

"I'm....I'm dead" I stutter

"No mummy, almost but not now. You aren't ready, and neither is daddy. He doesn't want to say goodbye, so you have to hold on. You can't let go mummy. You cant" she says to me

"I don't want to leave you again" I cry

"You'll be back. In many years. And then, we can all be together. You, me, daddy, Tommy"

"Who's Tommy baby?"

"Tommy isn't here yet. But you'll love him alot. I know you will" she tells me

"What's your name darling?" I ask

"You didn't give me a name. But you can. If you turn back now, you can give me a name, you and daddy can pick one together. You have to go back for him and Tommy. Please mummy. I'll wait for you" I kiss her cheek as she walks off, fading into the abiss

"No, no please" I beg, not wanting to let go of my daughter. And then, the darkness became light, and that light became earth. I had awoke, but things could never be the same

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