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The words chanted in my head as I ignored everything and everyone around me. I had been free for a long time, I had been happy and content and now they wished the deprive me of that. I spend my days doing whatever i like, having no worries. Yet they want to send me to school, place me with a radom group of people who expect me to call them 'mum' and 'dad'. They think they know me, but they don't, not really. I have a mother, I have a father, so I don't need some fake trying to dictate my life.

Atleast I think I have parents. I've been on the run for longer than I can remember. Get caught a few times sure, sent to the group home, Foster families, even tried to get me adopted once. But not me, not daisy.....daisy...damn. I don't know. I keep trying to remember but there is no memory of a last name, no matter how deep I dig into my soul, I find a blank canvas. None of the social workers know my last name either. They found me when I was 3 and I only knew my first name, that's what they tell me. I'm not sure I believe that they found me. I think I was ripped from my mother's arms unwillingly as she sobbed and cried for her baby girl, i think I was robbed of a decent childhood.

I keep running, never looking back from fear of tripping up. Crossing roads in the pouring rain, I think I lose them. I stand with my skateboard in hand, hair dripping to my sides and tears down my face as I turn around frantically looking to see if the police are around. Im in the middle of cross roads but I don't see any cars. How stupid I can be

Just like that, in a split second

"Daisy!" I turn to face the screaming officer so I know where he is, but the moment I look away from the road, BAM! The sudden pain as the car slammed into my side. It didn't last long as I was soon out cold, lay on the freezing tarmac. That's the last thing I remember before the voices of distant officers became silent and the blury lights dimmed to pure darkness.

Their Daisy- Twilight- Completed حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن