The Loss

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Daisy pov

It had been 2 days and I still hadn't told anyone. I was still in shock and struggling to wrap my head around it. But the more I thought about it, the happier I was. Edward knew. He didn't bring it up, but I could tell from his shocked expression when I first thought about it infront of him. And the knowing smirks he wears constantly. I was thrilled to be pregnant. I wasn't sure what jazz would think, but it's his child, surely he would walm up to the idea. I was dancing with Rose to the radio. A song from the 40s had come on so rose saw this opportunity to teach me how she used to dance

"Thank god you weren't from my generation. You have two left feet" she criticised as I gasped

"Harsh" I mumbled crossing my arms grumpily. Alice sat laughing at us whilst reading her magazine

"Alright, alright, why don't I show you how to dance properly" esme comes in. It was just us women today. All the boys had gone out to buy new suits for Edward and bellas wedding. Alice was making them. Alice and Rose would be going with Bella soon to look for dresses themselves

Esme started showing Rose how she used to dance. Rose found it so old fashioned but me and Alice just laughed. Alice and Rose left soon after and it was just me and esme. She was making me some cakes whilst I sat on the counter eating the batter whilst she hit my hand with a spoon

"Hey! Stop that or there will be none left" I giggled and walked off to go to the toilet. What I saw definitely wasn't what I was expecting. When I sat down and pulled my pants down, it was right infront of me, breaking my heart quicker than I thought possible. Bloody, staining my pants. My hands were shaking as I cleaned myself up and went back to the kitchen. Red eyes and shaking like crazy

"You OK hun?" Esme asked seeing my teary eyes. I shook my head and burst into tears, running into her arms

"Sshhh, whatever it is, I'm sure we can fix it. What's happened sweetheart?" Esme asked as she sat me down on the sofa. I sobbed into her chest for several minutes before wiping my eyes and sitting up straighter to talk with her

"A couple days ago, I found out I was pregnant. And...I...I think I just....I lost the baby" I began weeping again

"Oh honey" esme gasped in sympathy, hugging me and kissing my forehead. My whole body ached from grief and cramps

"Let's yet you to bed and into some comfier clothes. I'm sure jeans aren't what you want right now" esme helped me up with one hand holding mine and the other on my back. Slowly, we walked to my bedroom. She helped me change into a jumper and jogger bottoms before I crawled into bed

"Do you want to go to the doctors? Or call Carlisle?" Esme asked wrapping me up in blankets. I just shook my head and sniffed back the tears. Esme kissed my forehead and tucked my hair behind my ears

"I'm gonna put them cakes in the oven and then I'll come back up and watch some TV with you. We can spend the day in bed, give you some rest" I nodded unable to form any words from fear that I'd only sob loudly. Esme came back up with tablets, water and a hot water bottle

"Thank you" I said weary. Esme got in next to me and I snuggled into her as she found something for us to watch

"I'm so sorry Daisy. I know it hurts now but if it was possible before, then perhaps you and jasper could try again when the time is right. Things will get better I promise"

"Jasper doesn't know. I was gonna tell him tonight. I don't think he'll want to try for another baby. This was an accident and I know he wouldn't have been very happy about it" I cried as esme stroked your hair

"We don't know that. Anyway, right now, let's focus on getting you better. Do you want a drink?" Esme asked and I shook my head. I snuggled closer under the covers and soon enough, I was asleep

Jasper pov

It took forever but we finally found suits. Connor is just as picky as Alice and it was hell. When we got home, Rose and Alice were still out with Bella. But esme and Daisy were inside

"Hi boys, did you get everything that you need?" Esme asked walking down the stairs

"Ye. Only took about 6 hours" emmet groaned staring daggers into Connor soul

"Oh shit" Edward muttered quietly looking at esme. She looked smiley from the outside, but her thoughts must've said something else.

"Everything alright?" Connor asked

"Everythings fine. I just need a word with Carlisle. Erm, jasper, daisy is sleeping upstairs. She's got a stomach bug so just go check that she's alright" I rushed up stairs silently praying that she would be asleep so I wouldn't have to watch her puke

Carlisle pov

Esme started talking so quiet I could only just about hear. But that meant no one else could hear

"Oh god. Is she alright?" I asked

"Stomach cramps, and she's devastated and so tired. But I don't think she's too bad physically. Poor girl"

"I'll let her and jasper have some time and give her a check up when she's ready"

Daisy pov

I felt the bed dip and opened my eyes. Jasper was laying next to me. My eyes were swollen and puffy and my hands still shaking as I clutched my hot water bottle against my stomach for deaf life

"Are you alright darling?" Jasper asked. The minute I heard his voice, I realised what I had to do. I burst out crying just knowing that I would have to break the news to him. Jasper pulled my closer into his side and kissed my cheeks

"Babe, what's going on?" He asked stroking my hair back

"I...I was pregnant jazz. But I lost the baby" I cried. He was silent and didn't move for a few seconds before holding onto my tighter

"Right" he seemed in shock

"I'm sorry. I know you probably wouldn't have been thrilled anyway, I should've told you sooner, and I.. I'm just so sorry...for everything"

"What? No, don't be sorry. This isn't your fault. I...I would've loved a kid with you. And it's awful what's happened. I'm sorry for not being there. How are you feeling?" He asked me

"Pretty shit" I replied. I looked up and saw the tears in his eyes although they just couldn't fall no matter how sad he was. I kissed his cheek and pulled myself closer, my head in the crook of his neck

"I love you" I cried

"I love you too. And now we know its possible, then some day, we'll have our baby. I promise"

"Really?" I asked shocked. I thought he'd be appalled by the idea

"Really. I want a family with you. I want you to be happy Daisy. Now get some rest" he kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes. I just wanted it to end. The pain and the lack of hope. I was so happy this morning. Everything was going well but now broke my heart and I don't know how it will ever be repaired

Their Daisy- Twilight- Completed जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें