Meeting the Cullens

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Daisy pov

I get into the woods and immediately regret my decision. I shouldve waited until I was in a town. Not in a wolf filled forest. Jesus christ, this is fucking terrifying. But I keep running until I come across a teenager boy smoking against a tree. He spots me as smirks

"You must be Daisy, I've heard fuck all about you. Connor" he sticks his hand out but I don't move from my spot

"So already ran away? Ye, didn't take me long either. You smoke?" He asks. I shrug although I know the answer is a clear yes. He offers me a cigarette which I happily take and I take out my lighter from my back pocket

"Now this wood is full of monsters. Bears, wolves, squirrels" I give him a funny look

"Oh the squirrels are the worst. Sneaky little pricks. I'm not gonna stop you from carrying on, but I'd rather my Foster dad not get imprisoned for letting you run off and get mauled by a bear. You coming back to the house? Or will I need to Bury your body tomorrow?" I don't verbally answer but I follow him as he goes back to the house. Carlisle and esme and inside, smiling at me as I walk in

"Glad you came back" esme says

"Didn't you even try and find me?" I ask

"Why should we? I'm not your father Daisy, if you wanna leave then I'm not here to stop you" Carlisle explains. I'm not sure how it made me feel. I'm glad he doesn't fuss, but half the fun in running is having someone chase after you

"I'm esme, you've already met Connor, would you like to meet the others or should we show you your room first?" Esme asks and I just shrug

"I'll show you to your room and you can meet everyone later on" Carlisle suggests before he helps me with my bags and takes me upstairs. I cling onto my skateboard like a life line, putting my headphones down to my neck

"This is it, I'll leave you to get unpacked" Carlisle says putting my suitcase on the bed and then leaving. Wow. I look around at the room in both awe and disgust.

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It was gorgeous, and really cute

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It was gorgeous, and really cute. But the fairy lights and beige colours just weren't my thing. Not like I'd be staying here very long anyway. I began to unpack and heard voices outside my bedroom

"This is ridiculous" a female voice

"Babe, everything will be OK, Connor says she's nice and Carlisle says she likes to keep to herself" a male voice

"I hope for her sake she keeps away. If she finds out about us-"

"We won't let that happen. For now, let's just make her feel welcome" and then I hear as they walk away. Find out what? And did he say babe? I thought they were all siblings. Huh, maybe I was right before. Maybe something interesting is happening here. I've walked into an incest ridden family. Yes it's gross, but atleast when the coppers and news agents come round, it'll be some entertainment

I finish packing and sit on my skateboard. How boring! I was sat staring at a blank wall wondering how my life came to this. A month ago, I was sleeping on the roof of a fashion store under the stars, listening to the music from a club across the street whilst eating pizza and drinking beer. Now, I'm sat in silence with nothing interesting to do other than jump from my window just for abit of fucking fun. There's a knock on my door but I don't answer

"Daisy, its Carlisle, can I come in?" I still don't answer and instead hum the tune to bat outta hell

"The family are downstairs altogether if you want to meet everyone. You don't have to if you don't want but we'll be downstairs if you change your mind" i hear him leave and I sit and think about it. I'm gonna have to meet these fuckers at some point, might aswell do it now. I go downstairs and see several people. Esme is in the kitchen cooking something, Carlisle is reading, 2 women are looking through fashion magazines whilst 4 boys play video games

"Hi Daisy, I wasn't sure what food you liked so I've just gone with pizza, figured, can't go wrong with pizza" esme smiles and I nod thanking her. Everyone turns to look at me and the boys pause the game

"Hi, you must be Daisy. I'm Alice, I love your hair, I can already tell we're going to be best friends" a pixie looking but rather hot girl hugs me enthusiastically as I stand wide eyed still as a brick. Connor softly pulls her away and mouths a small sorry

"I'm edward, apologies on behalf of alice" a man says looking at Alice who smiles sheepishly

"Hey I'm emmet. This is jasper" a big built man introduces referring to the cute blonde who's sat far away looking at as if he's seen a ghost. Something about his eyes, I immediately felt a connection, a warmth. Its how I always imagined it would be to fall in love, but of course, I'm not in love, I must be ill, I feel warm and confused. Almost like I want Yuck

"I'm rose" a woman introduces. She is the one who was talking outside my door

"I know your secret by the way so you don't have to hide anymore" I tell them all and everyone freezes

"What?" Alice asks but i see Edward chuckle

"What's so funny? I should be the one laughing at you lot, you're the weirdos" Edward continues to chuckle as he tells the family

"She thinks we are a family built on....close family relationships" the rest of the family smirk

"It's no secret. The children we Foster are in romantic relationships, I can promise you it is all fully legal" esme laughs. I'd had enough of this. Maybe if they think I'm mental, then they won't want me and will drive me back to myself Baker where I can run away without worrying about wolves and fucking bears

"That's not all, you aren't human. I've seen it, I know what you are, you're vampires, it's ok, I'm one too" I say trying to act serious which I'm quite good at. I see their faces drop, they must really be worried about my sanity

" smell so...human" Connor says in shock as rose gasps slightly

"What?" I ask thinking now maybe they are the insane ones

"How do you have all the human traits? I don't understand" Carlisle asks. Edward looks at me intently before his eyes go wide and he smiles nervously

"Ha. Ye, we're just messing. It won't work Daisy, if you want to leave you can, you don't have to act insane" the others look at one another scared whilst I roll my eyes and go upstairs at my failed attempt. Damn it

Jasper pov

Edward goes on to explain that Daisy doesn't believe in vampires, she just wanted us to think she's insane. But I could hardly concentrate. I think it's happened

"Jazz, are you OK?" Alice asks me

"I don't know. Daisy, she's my mate" I say making rosalie drop her magazine in shock. Why the fuck did it have to be her? A human? I don't know if I can control myself. I'll kill her, I can't do this. But I have to. It's all such a fucking mess

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