Breaking down walls

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Daisy pov

I sat in my room looking out at the forest infront of me. My skateboard was sitting in the corner of the room, neglected, dusty, unused. The ground wasn't good for skating, forest isn't what you'd call skateboarding turf. But that doesn't mean I can't find somewhere. The sun was setting in the horizon and I decided that it was the perfect time. I grabbed my skateboard and went downstairs with it

"Where are you going daisy?" Emmet asked as I was about to leave

"When you show me a dna test telling me you're my dad, then I'll start telling you shit" I grumbled before walking closer to the door. I put my hood up ready to leave

"If you want to skateboard that badly then I'll drive you into town tomorrow and we'll find somewhere. Unless you want to be eaten by a bear. Or attacked by a vampire" he mocks chuckling to himself

"Haha very funny. Fine, can I use your laptop?" I ask looking at rosalie who was shopping online

"Sure" she says. I know she doesn't want me here, but for some reason, she's being oddly nice. She passes me her laptop and I do a quickly Google search

"There's a skatepark far side of la push. I'll walk there tomorrow" i tell them but they look around at one another in questioning

"It isn't safe on la push. That's where all the drugs are sold so avoid it if I were you" Alice tells me softly as she puts her arm around me. I smirk and say

"You really don't know me at all" and then i walk back upstairs in a huff. There is nothing to do in this house! On my way to my room, I bump into jasper

"Sorry" he says

"Fuck off" I grumble walking into my room

"Everything alright?" He asks standing in my doorway

"Why do you care?" He looks down sheepishly

"Whilst you're living here, you're part of our family and we care about family" He tells me

"I am NOT your family. I'd rather hang than have your fucking name. Don't try and befriend me because it ain't gonna work. I don't want to be here and you won't have to deal with me for much longer. Call me your family again, and I'll skin ya" I slam the door in his face and hear as jasper walks away from my door. Why the fuck would I want to be part of his family? He's a fucking freak, they all are.

I put my back against the door and slide down next to my skateboard. Tears fill my eyes and drop down my cheeks onto my shaking hands. I pull my knees close to my chest and my head in my hands as the sobs keep coming although I try to stay quiet. I'm so alone and its all my fault

I'd Love to have a family. To be loved by someone unconditionally. Yet every inch of me turns away whenever someone shows affection. If I become part of a family, then I'll only be forced to leave. Seems alot nicer to leave willingly than to be forced from a place I've learnt to call home. I like pushing them away so that when I get hurt, I don't regret running away. I don't miss anybody from my life, I never get the chance to miss them

I try to wipe away the tears but fail miserably and so I pace around the room feeling my heart rate increase drastically. My sobs were being compressed by my hand covering my mouth, not wanting everyone else to hear. It was agony to know that my life was going no where good, but I had no other option than to cry in self despair

Jasper pov

I felt every ounce of loneliness and heartache that Daisy was feeling. Everyone sat in silence as we heard her sobs and cries

"Should we talk to her?" Connor asks

"No, let's give her time" esme suggests

"She doesn't want to be alone. But, she doesn't want anyone around her. Needs a family, to know someone cares, but longs for freedom and solitary life" Edward tells us reading her mind. It was painful just to know what my poor mate is going through, but I couldn't let her suffer alone

"I'll see if I can lift her mood" I say before leaving not letting anyone protest. I knock on her door but she doesn't reply as she can hardly speak from the knot in her chest. I enter her room and close the door behind me

"Daisy" I mutter softly as she spins around to see me

"G...get out" she sobs trying to push me out the room. She hits, slaps, punches me trying to get me to leave but I won't. Instead, I grab her hands and pull her in for a tight hug. After a few seconds, she relaxes and hugs me back. I send her waves of calmness and warmth as her sobs die down and she wipes away her tears

"I'm fine" daisy says letting go and sitting on her bed, avoiding all eye contact

"No, daisy, you're not fine. I know for a fact that you are not OK, but I'm here to help you. You don't have to talk, and I'll leave now, but I'm here whenever you need" I get up to leave the room but she quickly grips my wrist

"Please don't go" I nod my head and sit on the bed next to her

"I don't understand" daisy mutters


"I feel safe with you. Its scaring me, I've never felt safe with someone before" she whispers looking me in the eyes with her teary orbs

"I don't understand it either. But you have every reason to feel safe with me. I will never hurt you, ever" I promise wrapping my arms around her and planting a kiss on her head

"Will you stay with me?" She asks looking down at her fidgeting hands

"Of course daisy" I lay down on her bed and she lies down next to me. Her head on my chest and her arm around my waist, daisy drifts off to sleep. It felt...remarkable. I felt no hunger for her blood, it was like our mating connection had over powered any thirst i once had. For now, all I could focus on was protecting daisy, because whether she realises it or not, she is my family

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