Help Me Forget

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Daisy pov

When I went upstairs to my room, I lay on the bed, curled up with tears streaming down my cheeks. I know jasper would want to check on me, but I just wanted to be left alone. I love him with all my heart, but he wouldn't understand. The isolation of being in the Foster system, constantly reminded that you are one of the children on earth who is unwanted, taking up space for those kids who's parents love them. Right now, I didn't need to explain that to him, I wanted him to stay downstairs so I could calm down. But there was a knock on the door anyway

"Please leave me alone jazz" I mutter quietly, trying to hide the tremor in my voice. The door opened anyway but i was facing away

"Sorry, I'm not Jazz. Look, you don't have to talk to me about this. But I want you to know that I understand how you're feeling, honestly I do. I lived almost my entire human life wanting to forget it all" I turn around hearing Connor voice and sit up, hugging my pillow to my chest with my knees up as I use the back of my hand to wipe my tears

"It isn't fair" I mumble. He moves closer to the bed but steps back once he's almost touching it

"I know Daisy, it's a horrid life we both had. You feel lonely and unwanted but I promise, you are not alone. You have a family, one that loves you"

"Ya know, you can sit down" I says smiling through the pain

"I'd rather stand thanks. Unholy things have happened in this bed" he says grimacing making me laugh



"Do you remember your parents?" I ask him. He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair, trying to think of an answer

"Not really. My mum died giving birth to me. And I was 4 when my father died. Even then, he was at war. I hadn't seen him since I was 2 years old. But I know I was happy before the war. My dad did everything for us. My mum was a beautiful and amazing woman. But I remember my older sister, Katherine. She was 2 years older, died when she was 8. But I remember her stories. She'd always tell me about our parents and how they would come and take us home soon. I suppose, I don't remember them. I just remember the feeling"

"I don't remember my mum. I want to remember, but I just can't. And, I was hoping that if I turned into a vampire, then I could start over. Esme would be my mum, Carlisle my dad and I wouldn't have to feel guilty for not knowing my mother" I say crying. Connor decideds to comfort me and gets on the bed, wrapping his arm around my shoulder

"Do you know what happened to her? Maybe we could use the online to find her?"

"The online? Do you mean the Internet?" I laugh

"Shut up, you knew what I meant" he grumbles. I laugh slightly but look down at my fidgeting hands

"I don't know. I don't know if she died. Or gave me up. Or if I was taken away. She could've been amazing or horrid. I like to think she was a wonderful mother. That she died. It sounds harsh to say I wish she died. But atleast then, I know it wasn't her fault, and it wasn't my fault, and it wasn't the systems fault. Atleast then I know she loved me and treated me well" I cry to him

"Maybe that's what happened. You never know. What about your dad?" Connor asks

"I have one memory of my father. Just one. It isn't the most pleasant, yet, I don't know who the villain of the story is because no one ever explained"

Flash back (Foster dad, Mark, Foster mum, Clara)

I was 9 years old. Having a picnic with my new Foster family. I didn't plan on staying long and I hadn't said a word to them. But they lived in the country side and it was a nice day. So me, the parents, and their other 4 children went out to the fields with food and a blanket. Everything was fine. I wasn't having the best time, but I kept to myself and ate my food, sometimes laughing at marks dad jokes. They were shit, but for some reason I laughed

As we sat, one of the kids asked Clara

"Who's that man mummy?" There was a man stood in the shadows of a tree, leaning against it just watching us. Despite the heat, he was dressed in layers with a big over coat and boots. Clara didn't know so she asked Mark who was just as sceptical. They were careful and kept an eye on the man. As we packed away, the man walked over to me when their backs were turned

"Wow. You look just like your mother" he muttered with tears in his eyes. Mark noticed him and quickly jumped in the middle, pushing the man down as Clara held my hand and kept my behind her

"I'm sorry I'm sorry" he apologised to Mark, the man looked terrified but it was clear he was also drunk

"I don't know who you are. But you stay away from these children, do you understand?"

"Evangaline! Don't worry, you'll be home soon, daddy will bring you home, I promise my love" he was staring right at me but called me evangaline. Clara put me in the car as I kicked and tried to get to the man of answers but Mark scared him off

End flashback

"To this day, I don't know if he truly is my father. He called me evangaline. Perhaps it was my name before I was in care. Maybe he got the wrong person. The people who found me, I was 3, they said I kept saying the name Daisy. I still don't know if that was my name, or someone else's. I suppose I'll never know. I just wish I had more answers. That man at the picnic, he didn't seem like a villain, he seemed desperate, yet it scared me so much" I told Connor. He wiped my eyes and kissed my forehead

"Daisy, vampire or not, these memories will stick with you, and that's good. I know you want to forget right now. But they make you who you are. Its a horrid way of life, but would you still be the tough, badass I know if it hadn't happened? We'll never know. Over time, you'll learn to be proud of your roots, your history, it makes you who you are" he says making you nod in understanding. He gets up to leave but stops

"If you ever want to find you birth parents, dead or alive, just say the word. I'll hunt them down and find their address. All you gotta do is ask" I sat thinking about it

"Hmm...I don't know. You are my family, I'm not sure I want to add anything else to it. But I'll think about it and let you know. I want answers but for the first time in forever, I finally have everything I need to be happy"

"If that were true Daisy, then you wouldn't have been crying right now. No one has everything to be happy. Not really. We all want something more for that perfect life. Anyway, the offer will always stand" then he walks away and I'm left wondering. Do I want to find my parents? Will they want to be found? It could just upset me more. What if they want me to choose between the Cullens and them? Of course I'll choose the cullens. But I want a relationship with both. Or it could go amazing. I could have 2 sets of parents. Maybe I was taken from them because they were young, too young. And they thought I'd have a better life. Loved me too much to keep me. Or perhaps they can't be found. Death works in mysterious ways. It is the best disguise

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