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Daisy pov

I Wake up the next morning and snuggle closer to my mattress, burying myself in the warmth

"Morning darling" I jump out of my skin with a slight scream as I move back, now sitting at the end of my bed. Turns out the mattress was actually jasper and the warmth was his hoodie. Shit. It was all coming back to me now; the storm, jasper, his calm aura. How could I be so stupid? Fuck my life! I've let him in, spoke to him and told him I was scared. Like a fucking 5 year old. Does everyone else know? Of course they know, Edward and his beak were probably butting in to my business once again

"Heard that" Edward yells from downstairs. Ye well go fuck yourself you twatty virgin

"So...last night....erm...thanks for staying with me" I say

"I'll be with you whenever you need" jasper replies giving me a firm nod

"Can't believe you stayed here the entire night. You don't sleep, wasn't it boring?" He just chuckles at me and shakes his head

"I appreciated you opening up to me daisy. I'll leave you to get dressed, I believe Carlisle wishes to speak with you" jasper leaves and I change my clothes.

I then head for Carlisles office where he is talking with Alice

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I then head for Carlisles office where he is talking with Alice

"Itll be good for her" Alice pleas

"Alice, you'll have to ask her yourself, I can't make daisy go shopping with you" Carlisle laughs. Alice huffs and leaves the room where she spots me

"I thought I could smell you, by the way, you definitely smell the best out of all the family. Probably taste the best aswell" I laugh nervously

"Thanks...I think"

"So, I'm sure you already heard, but I would love it if you would come shopping with me rose and bella" Alice asks cheerfully

"Who's Bella? Is she another vampire?"

"Of course! I completely forgot you havnt met Bella yet! She's Edwards human girlfriend. Rose doesn't like her very much so I'm taking them shopping as an ice breaker. It could be awkward at first so I need you there to help me! Please! You don't even need money, jasper will pay for everything!" Alice Says

"Sure, but why is jasper paying?"

"Oh daisy, sweet daisy, me and Rose have alot to teach you. Lesson number 1, use your mate to your advantage. As vampires, we have ALOT of money in the bank individually. But it still feels nice when you get your mate to buy you stuff. They just can't resist treating us girls to new clothes. All you have to do, go up to jasper with your bottom lip out and puppy eyes, call him jazzy, and say "pretty please with a cherry on top can I have some money to go shopping" and then bam! He hands over his credit card" she explains

"Wow...marry me!" Alice laughs and kisses my cheek before leaving. I go to Carlisles office and sure enough, he is waiting for me 

"Daisy, how are you feeling?"

"I'm good" I say nervously

"And your arm?"

"Good as new. You should probably take the cast off now" I suggest but he shakes his head whilst I sigh in annoyance

"Not quite yet. I wanted to talk to you about the situation with social services" Well that's never good

"You seem to be fitting into this family nicely, we all care for you deeply. And I'm told this is the longest you've lasted without running away" technically i did run away from the very beginning but I didn't think to bring it up

"I like it here, I didn't think i would, but i have my own space, and you let me sneak out to the skate park at night. I'm aware you can hear me and just pretend not to. I never really understand soul mates and all that nonsense. I figured people just formed a gross obsession over time and that eventually turned to love. But I get it now, jasper is my mate, there's no obsession and I don't find it gross, its relaxing and calming to know he's always there for me. Its just...nice"

"I'm very glad to hear it. And yes we hear you sneaking out some nights. But I  am not your father, so long as you take care of yourself then I see no issue. Mrs Baker called me today. They've found new housing for you in california, a family of 5, 2 boys and a girl. You would be the oldest and it does look like a lovely area to live" Carlisle says making my heart drop

"You don't want me?" I knew I shouldn't get attached. Why did I get attached?

"Of course I want you. You are part of this family. But I also have a duty to inform you of your options and not try to sway your opinion. Mrs Baker told me this family have been looking at your file for a while, but have only recently come into contact with Mrs baker herself. They want to adopt you daisy, not Foster, adopt"

"No, no i don't wanna go. Please tell them I won't go. I'm staying here with you and esme. I swear, I'll do anything just don't let them take me away, please" I beg hugging Carlisles waist and crying. He kneels infront of me and wipes my eyes

"Daisy, I don't want you to go. But it isn't up to me sweetie. I'm sorry. I'll speak to Mrs baker about it and convince her to let you stay here. But you have to understand, if they want to adopt you, the court will try everything to make that happen because it is more stable than fostering" I run away from him, downstairs and straight into the arms of Rose. She doesn't seem to like me very much, she's nice but I can tell she doesn't want me here. Yet she was stood with her arms open for me when she heard me crying whilst running downstairs

"Don't let them take me away Rose, please, I don't wanna leave you" I cry and she strokes my hair, kissing my head. Carlisle comes downstairs and soon the whole family are in the living room

"Adopt me, please adopt me. I wanna stay here and if I'm adopted, then theyll let me stay" I beg, looking at esme. I go to her arms and she looks at Carlisle

"What do you think? Room for another daughter?" Esme asks Carlisle

"Yes, yes of course" Carlisle lifts me up and spins me around as I cling onto him happily. Everyone starts cheering and their eyes were fogged with tears which couldn't fall

"I'm staying jazz, I get to stay" I say to him. He doesn't say anything, just hugs me tightly, kissing my head and smiling. I never thought I'd want this, a family....I was wrong, its more than I could ever ask for

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