32. The Archery Contest (3) - Bad Blood

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After a silence of astonishment, people began to mumble. As soon as the lackey realized the plan was unsuccessful, he resorted to begging for mercy. Had it been he succeeded, he would have asserted it to be an unintentional act.

Lores was amazed. At the same time, he could tell it was a conspiracy. Few seconds ago, he could've died in place of Mo before even seeing his father. The poor prince has so many enemies, he thought to himself.

Mo was startled. Berg wasn't the type who'd be so absurd to act with such brazen and unreserved attitude in front of everyone. He balled a fist upon realizing the culprit. He jaw slowly dropped and his slender brows were arced, yet he still maintained his princely demeanor. Only hilbwet who was by his side noticed his mutation of emotion.

The king was as calm as a dove. He could read the whole scene like the back of his hand. Inwardly, he was disappointed by the ridiculous move made by the culprit. On his personal quest to tame the rivalry, he never downplayed the means by which his sons tussled for the crown. He found enthusiasm in assessing the methods employed by the princes.

Meanwhile, Karick had everything planned out. He might not have resorted to such brazen approach had Mo participated in the contest himself. He knew too well that even if Lores was killed, the king and the nobles wouldn't pay much mind to it considering that the killed contestant was nobody but a mere guard from Snowfall Palace.

The lackey alighted from his horse and ran towards the distinguished area where the nobles sat. He knelt down with a remorseful mien which no one knew if it was sincere or not. He raised his voice audible enough for all to here.

"Your majesty! My lords! Do pardon my ineptness. The attempt to kill a fellow contestant was not intentional. As a punishment for my folly act, I am willing to relinquish my participation in the next contest."

There was a long silence as if the king didn't know what to say. The lackey remained on his knees with head facing the ground. He never expected the gravity of the incident to be that serious. It was just a mere guard after all!

Moments later, the king whispered to his hunching eunuch.

"Whose child is that?"

"The step son of a Lord Suzerain."

The lieutenant governor gave the king a questioning look. King Elead responded by throwing his jaw. The governor handed back the bow to the knight and placed a hand on his midriff. He stared for a while at the person below with focus. The fellow, although not looking up, could feel the uneasiness and weight of the stare. It was as if a parasite was draining every energy out of him. Later on, the lieutenant governor finally decided to speak.

"You claimed your action to be a mistake which is quite unconvincing. Listen, personal grudge shouldn't be brought into this auspicious sport. If there are people who are better than you, then you should work hard on yourself. This contest requires independence and individual performance. You should neither help nor be helped. And by the way, who are you to mete out your own punishment in front of His Majesty?"

The fellow sucked in cold air. The situation was going south beyond his expectation.

"I...I just....well, I only thought to be responsible for my action. I...I thought my heartfelt apology and willingness to accept punishment will win His Majesty's mercy."

"Win his Majesty's mercy? No, I think you're currying his Majesty's favour to heed your plea." A mellow voice interfered. All eyes were directed to the source. Prince Mo was standing graciously, a hand hidden behind, his ghastly fair skin revealing his arrogant handsomeness. It was difficult to predict his anger due to his calmness and composure. Lores could perceive that Mo was angry. Ever since he knew Mo, he had not seen him burst into a feat of rage but getting justice for Snowfall Palace was something Mo wouldn't make light of.

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