Chapter 24

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We take the Porsche. If I forgot, Stephanie waits in front of her door that I open it for her. She has many rules. I know, as a teenager, I always wanted to show her all the rules of chivalry. She enjoyed it. But since I am her boyfriend, she demands that. If I forget to open a door for instance, she will wait and eventually make a remark.

She has rules and even if she wants to be a ruling female president, she must have the advantages of being a girl. In fact, she takes all the rules and custom behaviours and takes what she likes. My mother would never pay in a restaurant, women don't do that. I read this propriety in a book that I bought to be able to enchant Stephanie. But she likes to pay, so this rule is simply annulled.

We have not crossed the gate that she is already on me.

— So, dear boyfriend, go. I want all the details.

— Your father will be angry.

— Your girlfriend will be angrier if you don't tell everything now. Besides, you must have allegiance to me, not my father.

— Aren't you afraid that we would be like Chimène and don Rodrigue?

— Bad example, I have only one boyfriend and I will certainly not call the king to punish you and have an old lover. I am controlling you without help. So? I am waiting.

I tell her in detail the discussion with her father, hiding the price of the jewel.

— I am happy, my father likes you. And you didn't complain about me.

— Why should I complain about you?

— Because I torture you. On Wednesday, I saw the way you came back home.

— I will never do that again. I promised you. Sometimes, I am... I don't know... scared? Things have moved so fast. We have been like six weeks together and we are already living together.

— We have known each other for six years!

— And we have to wait three years to make love...

She looks at me a little.

— Well, that's different. Not everything should be sex in life, you should learn that.

— I know.

— Are you pissed that you must wait?

— No... I just think that you would certainly like it, and you are missing something great.

— Sex is perhaps great for boys. For girls, it's painful, and a bad moment. Girls just do that to please boys. I think we have a great relationship. We don't need sex.

— So why do you play with me all the time?

— This is not sex, this is torture, a punishment for all what you do to me.

— And sometimes, you enjoy...

— Yes. If you want, you can give me this kind of pleasure.

I stop talking, all frustrated. Nothing will have her mind changed. I will wait until 1988. I enjoy sex, how can I make her enjoy as well? Maybe her friends have to talk to her. But how can I mention this to one of them? I don't see myself going to any of them asking to tell Stephanie that sex is good. They might insult me and give me names like pervert.

As soon as we are on the motorway in Rosières, Stephanie accelerates. She pushes from time to time at 200 km/h and more. She drives really well, but it's still fast, I think. And again, when you see the meter, and you listen to the engine, she could push the car even more.

I'm not saying anything about speed, but I'm a little scared, and at one point, I snap on the Goldman tape still in the car. Bingo! As soon as we start singing, she slows down to 140, which is much more reasonable.

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