Chapter 16

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I hear the key turning in the lock of the front door. Not possible, it is barely 10:30 am, Stephanie is in class. I panic, I'm naked in the living room. I really didn't expect that.

Laetitia enters, followed by her sister. Shit! Shame! All because Stephanie hid my stuff. I knew she is not normal. Who hides her boyfriend's clothes? Now...

I can only protect my privacy with my notepad and my story sheets.

— Fortunately, it's warm, Myriam exclaims, smiling.

— I love it ... continues her sister. What are you doing naked?

I feel myself blushing more than usual, what an embarrassing situation!

— Uh ... Stephanie hid my stuff, she's afraid that I will go out.

They're laughing.

— I asked for the key ... to come and examine you. Well ... maybe you can go to bed ... you will be more comfortable, won't you?

— Don't you want to examine him here?

— Laetitia, I already asked you to stop bothering this boy.

— I'm not bothering him, but I'm not going to look out the window, there is a handsome naked boy in front of me.

— Well, the handsome boy is not comfortable. Frederic, go into the bedroom, I'm coming right away.

I have to walk past them. Laetitia is not hiding; she looks at me with a smile.

— Do you want me to come help you?

Without waiting for my answer, she follows me into the bedroom and opens the bed for me to lie down on.

— Give me your notepad, don't put that in Stephanie's bed.

— Laetitia, get out of the room! Aren't you in class?

— I'm leaving in ten minutes. Myriam, don't you have a nurse's outfit? He loves it.

— Out!

— Or you can show him your breasts. He kept asking for that yesterday. He said he would heal in a snap if he could see boobs.

She laughs. The beautiful blonde retires with my papers. Her sister comes to sit on the edge of the bed.

— You're not done with these furies, are you? Sorry, I didn't know you would be totally... well, without clothes. You are a champion of supporting Stephanie, and still, you have all the others now. Why don't you have clothes? You like to go all natural?

— No, I answer with shame. But Stephanie took my clothes yesterday and went to hide them in my apartment so that I don't go out. And I didn't expect anybody to come. I am sorry.

— Why are you sorry?

— Because I was... well I didn't have clothes on me.

— You shouldn't be sorry for that. My sister was delighted, I think she will tell all her gang. You place yourself in odd situations, my dear! Okay, let me examine you.

She takes a lamp and looks at the bottom of my eyes, then a stethoscope and the device to take the blood pressure. She examines my bump. She is very gentle in her gestures.

— Thank you for yesterday, I say softly.

— My pleasure, Frederic. It's normal, isn't it? I would have done it for anyone, but you are special, I take great care of you. I heard that you were a difficult patient.

— No...

— I saw you yesterday. You are not difficult. They like to tease you. I talked a lot with my sister this weekend. She adores you now. And the others too. Well, I see that you are fine, perfect tension, are you still in pain? You can tell me; I'm not going to tie you up all week.

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