Chapter 5

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I arrive at CESEC. The Blues are directly parked in a corner with beer, and a few seniors make us sing. Around 7:00 p.m., we are placed in a procession, a long line, and it is by singing guardhouse tricks that we go up to the Casa. We enter the parking lots and are locked in a large cellar while waiting to pass. The room is crowded, noisy, even threatening. Baptism takes place on the stage in front of lots of vociferous and drunk seniors, both males and females probably in the same percentage. We hear songs and shouts; the baptism president finally imposes a silence that he doesn't really get. He salutes the committee and the delegations of the Regions and other circles. They have to sing everyone's anthem, do some hiccups, and then Cirrhosis announces that the baptism of these stinking dirty blues will begin.

The cellar door opens. They call a few numbers. Five guys get up and go out. I don't know them well. When they arrive on stage, we hear the boos from the audience. There is music and noises. Some cry out in pain and fear. In our cellar, we see blues who are starting to get scared. We hear horrible screams as if we were in a horror movie. In our corner, Alex, Yvan, Thierry, Oli, Mop and I look at each other, laughing. I tell myself that it should not be more terrible than a totemisation among the scouts. During the first days of the July camp, those who were older made us believe horrible things, and in the end, it was funny.

Girls are called. They leave the cellar trembling. It screams a lot from the other side. Five people are called every ten minutes. Nobody has named us yet. It must come from the fact that we are blues who have been noticed. When about half of the blues have already left the cellar, it's our turn. We were finally thinking about passing the last ones, but it's our turn. We go out laughing, confident that we are going to have a good time.

We are in a corridor. Seniors yell at us on contradictory orders and finally we understand that we have to be hung up. A Committee guy orders us to undress, to keep only our briefs.

It's a bit cold, but we have a good laugh. Someone has sprayed us with methylene blue, it looks well concentrated, it will be difficult to remove. Then, we are still put black shoe polish everywhere, and we can enter on all fours on the stage. Suzy comes to put down our pants to show our asses to all the audience. Then she puts a candle in each of our asses, she sticks it just a little bit so that it fits horizontally. It's not the little birthday cake candle, it's the church candle. It's the first time I'm having anal sex, and like the others I'm screaming, not really in pain, but for fun. It's only two centimetres. Alex and Mop mimic an orgasm. Cirrhosis then lights every other candle. Mine is extinguished, and he orders us to put us in pairs perpendicular to the audience. The goal is for both candles to be lit. Under the laughter of the assembly, we wiggle our asses to put the two candles in contact long enough to light the second wick.

I'm with Thierry, and I have Mop in front of me. I laugh to see his big red face under the effort. I tell Thierry not to move, I will try to place the candle in the axis. I would like to be the first, but the Oli - Yvan couple has just been applauded. We are yelled at because we are late. Fortunately, Mop drops his candle, which goes out on the ground. He gets booed and Suzy has to come and put it in his ass, I laugh and almost loose mine too. A few more attempts under the laughter of the audience who take the opportunity to throw us the old beer and indefinable trash. Fortunately, the candle doesn't go out. Thierry manages to stay still long enough for our two wicks to be in contact and mine to light up. Finally! We are applauded, but we cannot yet remove our candle, we have to wait until Alex and Mop manage to connect. But Mop's candle has shrunk considerably and he is starting to have his ass hair burn out. He screams, which makes the audience laugh.

Cirrhosis finally comes to his rescue and directs the two candles against each other himself. We are six Blues ass in the air with a burning candle in the ass. It's pretty funny after all and after a while, Cirrhosis blows out the candles and someone sings "Happy Birthday". It is fun.

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