Chapter 12

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We are going to put on our tennis clothes and go to the school in Lasne where the voting booths are organized for her neighbourhood. I can't come in, just line up with her and wait for her to come out of her booth and place her paper in the ballot box. My parents were once appointed assessors. A full Sunday must be sacrificed in the service of the government, which, very generous, grants a sum of one hundred francs to these nominees, who cannot even refuse. Voting is compulsory. Mr. Jacquet went to New York. Travel abroad is almost the only accepted reason, against evidence, for not voting but as I could understand, he gave procuration to his wife. I hope they have the same political views.

He once told me that he had politician friends and clients. It is important to befriend a politician, it gives you a large number of advantages. Well, he didn't tell me more about it.

The mother of Virginie is sitting at the table. She greets me and notes the presence of Stephanie in her logbook. The first time she can vote.

— Did Virginie already vote? Asks my girlfriend.

— She did. She went to play tennis. I presume that you will meet her.

I try to remember where we met. I barely know her daughter, how can she know me that well?

— All the parents of my friends know you, Frederic. We talked a lot about you during the past years, more particularly the two last years. So, seeing you with me, she presumed you were my famous boyfriend.

— Hum...

— Don't you believe me?

— Of course, I believe you, but she greeted me as if she knows me very well. We never spoke before.

— Virginie's mum is member of the parent's committee at the Berlaymont, she knows your story. She is a close friend of my parents and so we spoke a lot about you. We showed you to her and you are noticeable, dear boyfriend. Are my explanations satisfying you?

We go to Odrimont. This time, we want to play squash and Stephanie reserved the field yesterday. This is our first part of this relatively new sport. After some instructions by an instructor, we try our hand at the little ball. As we play tennis, we have no trouble adapting to this very physical sport. It doesn't take long to learn that we have to play a lot with the walls to take the opponent off course. And perhaps the most pleasant thing is to get into each other several times and to be able to hug briefly during the game, which a tennis match makes impossible except in doubles.

We are exhausted and fully wet after one hour of practice. Sitting behind the windows, we watch the following players who are much more experienced than us.

Stephanie decides to have a drink and we meet Virginie with Laetitia at the bar.

— Did you vote? Exclaims Laetitia after we have greeted.

— Yes, I did, and we have played squash.

— Wow. Did you enjoy? I have never tried.

— It's great, Frederic had the idea... You don't stop running, very exhausting.

— I can see your shirt, Stephanie... Very sexy, do you want to contest for miss wet T-shirt?

They laugh. Unfortunately, if the polo of my girlfriend is wet, her breasts are well covered with a sport bra. I try not to think too much about it.

— Do you want to play tennis? Double? Virginie asks.

After the hour of intensive sports, we are quite tired, but I hear Stephanie who accepts.

— Can I eat first? I beg.

— Of course... Frederic, aren't you scared to play with us?

— Why?

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