"Special place."


"Yes ma'am."

"Wait. Let me set my device. By the way where are others?"

"They are at the warehouse. Looking for the same. They'll come around after an hour or so. Only Lia has went to kill some brat."


For half an hour we were silent. Only the button clicking sound were hovering in the room. Nonna was also out. Carl gave her a night off. She wanted to go to a salon and get dolled up for tomorrow's gala.


"What happened?"

"Found it."

"How? I was trying for almost an hour."

And then his phone rang. Aldo's name was shining on the phone screen. He received the call.

"Found it, boss. I'm coming."

"We also found out."


"You are again late."

I tried to hide my laugh but was not able to.

"Carl don't discourage him. He has also tried and he has succeeded. Aldo, come to the penthouse. We have so much to discuss."

"Yes coming, ma'am."

After an hour or so, everyone gathered at the drawing room. Luca brought some Chinese food for us. I love him.

"Luca, you are the best."

"Tell me something I don't know."

Carl interrupted.

"Okay, if we are done with all the appraisal, can we discuss the real matter?"

"Yes, we will but let me serve the food first."

I went to the kitchen to serve the food and Angelina came to pour some wine.

"So, did you like had sex?"

"What are you talking?"

"Don't act dumb. I've seen you glow today. The glow which was not there at the wedding. Was it good?"

"Sorry, girl, not going to share my love life with you. Let's go everyone is waiting for us."

"You're such a party pooper."

"And I'm happy with that. Let's go."

We went to the drawing room and everyone was bantering with each other except Luciano. He was eyeing Lia. Something is going on between these two.

"Luciano, if you are done eye fucking Lia, can we get back to work?"

Every eyes were on Luciano and Lia. Embarassed. Lia started blushing. Everyone of us cracked with laughter.

"Rose, stop embarassing."

"Fine. Let's get down to this."


"Aldo, go on with your research."

"As you wish ma'am."

"So, we find out that every night he goes to a cheap, shabby bar. Adrian's. Since, all the elite bars are under Italian mafia, so, to avoid that he chose that bar. And it's also down the motel where he's staying."

"Yes. Another thing is that man loves a weekend gateway to a brothel."

"A brothel?"

"Yes. So, we have to keep an eye on both the bar and the brothel. We never know when mind changes."

"We will pass the order. Another thing I forgot to tell you. I ordered two of our best men to keep an eye on the bastard."

"Fantastic. Luca, vanilla ice cream, my treat."

"I love you, Rosy girl."

Carl scrunched his face at him but every one of us ignored it.

"What about our positions?"

"Aldo will be there in a van giving us directions and keeping a track on everything. Other's position will be notified the day after tomorrow."

"Fine. So, for now there's nothing that needs to be done."


"So, we'll leave."

Carl sprung from his sofa and said, "Yes, that's a good idea. Tomorrow we have tons of work and I think Val was busy with that all day after our dealing, that's why he was not able to come. I think everyone should take rest."

"I know. I know. You are ready to kick us out of the house. Just keep this thing in mind that I want a walking Rose, not a crawling one."

"Shut the fuck up."

"Fine. Fine. We'll leave. Let's go. Our boss doesn't want us here anymore."

Everyone chuckled and went to the elevator while waving us good bye.

"So, we are alone again."

"No funny business."

"I'm not being funny. Can we go for some wet business?"

"Carl!!! Stop!!!"

He started placing feather light kisses on my neck making my toes curl. He pulled the shoulder of my pullover down and trailed his kisses there. Then he looked me in the eyes and held my face in his hands.

"How did I get so lucky?"

"You might have done something great in your early life."

"I surely have."

And he picked me up in bridal style making me squeal.

"I'll show you how lucky I got."

And he rushed to the bedroom. Even in this situation, he knows how to make me laugh. How to take away all my tension and be there for me. It's too early to talk about forever but I'd love to spend as much time as possible with him.

Dangerous IllusionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora