Clear Air

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"So... let me get this straight..." Urbosa, who had just finished listening to quite possibly the most absurd story she'd heard all day, began.

"You're telling me, that you were all a giant shark...?" she mused, her expression a mix of concern and confusion.

"No, we just got chased by a swarm of seagulls... of course it was a shark!" Revali replied. "My wings are going to be sore for the next couple days, aren't they."

Yunobo walked through the door with Daruk in tow. They lived just next door.

After making it to the shore, they'd steered their boat into the harbor and disembarked as fast as they could. Thankfully, the creature had grown tired of following them and had swum away.

As soon as Revali had been untied from the boat, they had all decided to return to Riju's place to catch their breaths.

Since Urbosa also lived in the house it was no surprise she'd been alarmed when they all barged into the house breathlessly.

"That's so odd..." Urbosa said, her brow furrowing. "Nothing like that happens around here."

"Maybe it's the Great Gray?" Daruk wondered aloud, earning horrified looks from everyone in the room.

Urbosa's face grew stern, and she pursed her lips together.

"Daruk, that'd be insane. That thing hasn't been spotted for years, I thought we all agreed it was dead?" She replied, a mild fear lining her voice.

"Well, what else would it be? We don't see sharks all that often around these shores and the one they've described seems awfully suspicious," the goron answered, shaking his head.

Revali, Riju, and Yunobo remained silent, frozen in their seats.

Mipha on the other hand was royally confused, and thankfully, it didn't go unnoticed.

"Mipha, you dwell in the sea, don't you? Have you ever heard of him?" Daruk asked, turning the attention on her.

The zora princess was rather caught off guard by the question, but she nonetheless attempted to come up with an answer.

"Well, we've had run-ins with a few monsters, for sure. There are perhaps a few sharks I've seen...none as enormous as the one we saw, however," she confessed.

Urbosa sat down with a sigh.

"The Great Gray was a shark that used to swim around Hyrule's shores. Fishing was impossible and the souls brave or foolish enough to try, faced grim, watery fates," she shuddered as she explained.

Mipha had slowly begun fidgeting with the little topaz necklace she still wore.

"But like I said before, it hasn't been seen in years. For all we know it's been dead for a while," she explained, turning back to Daruk with a particular expression on her face that seemed to ask why on earth he'd bring up such a terrible monster.

Daruk shrugged his massive shoulders. "It was just a thought," he replied.


Yunobo and Daruk went home together and of course, Riju stayed with Urbosa. Revali and Mipha were left together once again to walk home with a sort of anxiety in the air.

Throughout the past weeks she'd stayed with him, the zora had grown rather good at guessing what her rito friend was feeling, but as they walked down the cobblestone streets to his house, she wasn't exactly sure what could be on his mind.

"You don't think... we should report what we saw, right?" She asked tentatively.

Revali only sighed.

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