The Necklace

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In light of recent events, the princess has decided to honor the legacy and memory of her highness, the late zora princess, by declaring that a great celebration shall be held in Castle Town. Any prospective organizers should contact the royal palace as soon as possible.

Signed by her royal majesty, Princess Zelda.

The royal decree was made, and although Princess Zelda's subjects were slightly confused at the sudden announcement, and even more confused at the fact she seemed rather chipper about working with their enemies, it was difficult for them to find any reason to be mad at an excuse to plan celebrations.

"Gracious..." Revali said, as he sifted through the things Mipha had brought back from the store.

"Indeed," she replied, "the message was posted on the front door of the store I was at, and I had to awkwardly wade through the crowd."

By this point, news had gotten out that Mipha was staying at the seaside village, and while some villagers were a little apprehensive towards her, they no longer jumped in fright whenever they saw her.

Revali was finally recovering, and his only lingering symptom was that his voice still hadn't returned to its loud and pompous self.

"Thanks for running my errands for me," he said, taking some of the groceries to his storage cabinet. "So, when's the big party?"

"Oh, it was no trouble at all; I like not being cooped up inside the house," Mipha giggled. "I believe it's tomorrow night if I'm not mistaken."

Revali nodded, grabbing his fishing materials off the table he'd set them down on.

"Well, why don't you go with Riju? I know she, Yunobo, Teba and his family are planning on being there," he said.

"Go with her to do what?" Mipha asked.

Revali hoisted his sack of things over his shoulder. "Go get yourself something nice to wear. You know, like a dress...or something," he explained.

The zora princess was a little taken aback. Revali didn't seem like the kind of person to shower people in presents, but then again it seemed she found out something new about him every day.

"You- really?" Mipha asked, wanting to make sure she'd heard him right.

Revali had been making his way over towards the door but stopped for her.

"Sure. You've done my errands all week and taken care of me when I've felt as well as a pile of dirt, so I definitely owe you something," he said.

The usual sarcastic tone he had was missing, so it definitely wasn't some sort of joke.

"There's some spare change in the drawer next to my bed. I insist," he explained, flashing her a tiny smile before turning back around and walking out the door.


"What have you done to him?" Riju asked, laughing playfully as she and Mipha headed to the village square.

"What do you mean?" Mipha replied, holding tight to the little bag of money Revali had lent her.

Riju stopped for a moment to gaze at a display of jewels a gerudo woman was selling.

"Hm? Oh, I meant that I thought it was odd Revali's been so...hospitable," she explained. "I mean, sometimes, if I do much as speak, he's annoyed, but he's managed to tolerate you for more than a day."

She leaned over and gently picked up a piece off the display table. It was a silver necklace with a yellow jewel strung on the middle.

Riju held it up to Mipha, squinting a little in thought.

"This would look stunning on you, I think," she said, eyeing how the yellow stone looked against Mipha's bright red scales.

"W-well thank you," Mipha replied, flattered, "but it's such a beautiful crystal; Hylia only knows how expensive it is," she said, before she was interrupted by the gerudo woman running the jewelry stall.

"To be more specific, it's yellow topaz. Aren't you the zora princess Zelda met with?" She asked, somewhat baffling Mipha as to how the news had spread so fast.

She gently took the necklace from Riju. "Oh, yes, uh...yes I am," she managed to stammer, quickly placing the necklace back onto the display. "We were just looking at what you had, that's all..."

The gerudo, to her surprise, flashed her a smile and handed it back.

"If you like it so much, feel free to have it," she said. "I agree with your friend, it looks wonderful on you."

Mipha was taken aback, and she looked back down at how stunning the necklace looked.

"Oh ma'am, I couldn't do that, this is likely so expensive!" She said, receiving a shake of the gerudo's head.

"Peace is priceless compared to jewels," she smiled. "Besides, you need something to wear to the party in castle town tonight, right?"

Both Mipha and Riju nodded.

"Thank you, ma'am, I appreciate it more than you know," Mipha told her, smiling.


At last, Mipha and Riju made it to the tailor's shop, filing through the racks and looking at all the outfits they could choose from.

"But like I was saying," Riju said, pulling out a beautiful teal dress and admiring it. "I've never seen him so...amicable; for lack of better words."

Mipha didn't really know how to respond. She hadn't known Revali for long, but she understood what Riju meant.

She was reminded of that night they'd found each other on the beach, and for whatever reason, she could've sworn her chest fluttered.

"Well, I... uh...I suppose I see what you mean..." Mipha answered, her eyes drifting over to a particular gown at the end of the rack.

It was a light powder blue, and it couldn't help but catch her eye.

Riju seemed to spot it too. It stuck out among the sea of pinks, reds, and yellows. With a grin, she pulled it out of the rack and laid it in Mipha's arms. "I bet you could even get him to dance."

"D-dance?" Mipha asked, wondering if she'd heard her correctly.

Riju couldn't help but giggle.

"Oh, you'd be surprised, whenever the village has gatherings or weddings you can always see him scowling in the corner wanting nothing more than to join in the festivities. His pride's just in the way."

The thought of such a person as pompous as Revali dancing joyously couldn't help but make her smile, and she joined Riju in her laughter as they headed over to the tailor to pay for their dresses.

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