The Zora Oracle

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The ocean felt wonderful today. The water was practically the perfect temperature, although it did little to calm the zora princess's nerves.

Clinging to her hand was Sidon, who kept trying to urge her to swim faster.

How could he be excited at a time like this?

Oh, that's right, he's completely unaware of the impending doom.

"Keep your eyes peeled, Sidon. We're entering lizalfos territory," Mipha said, clutching tighter to his hand.

The beautiful and vibrant coral reef of Zora's Domain was fading away and becoming sparser as they swam further out into the depths. Much was replaced by dulled rocks and jagged ocean floor.

"We must be getting close to the outskirts. Now we just have to find-"

Mipha's sentence was abruptly cut off by Sidon's high-pitched shriek of fright.

Something unknown darted by them, whizzing underneath Sidon, almost grazing his tail. Sure enough, a blue lizalfos came into view, his boomerang whizzing back around into his claw.

Instinctively the zora princess pushed Sidon behind her, drawing her trident that she'd strapped to her back.

"Looks like we've got company..." Mipha shivered. "Duck for cover!"

Following her orders, the little prince darted for one of the coves in the rocky floor below, catching the attention of the lizalfos, who switched over to firing darts.

Charging forward, Mipha speared him in the side with her trident, the blue creature shrieked an ugly cry before ceasing to move.

By now, more unwanted guests had heard the commotion and began joining the fray. Had she stayed still two seconds more she'd have been harpooned by yet another weapon shot her way.

A lizalfos that had appeared behind her angrily screeched in annoyance at his miss.

Mipha swam back around, and stabbed her trident into him as well, being cautious as to avoid any other darts it might fire.

Unfortunately, while she got rid of the second foe, a third lizalfos managed to graze the fin of her tail with its sharpened boomerang, causing her to flinch in pain.

The zora princess veered left this time, dodging the weapon as it circled back around to her enemy.

She could only hope Sidon was alright. Somewhere safe, among the rocks.

Ignoring her wound, Mipha sped forward and finished off the lizalfos within a flash. Slashing it diagonally and watching as it recoiled and swam away, it's scaly tail between its legs.

Scanning the water around her to make sure there were no other enemies, the young princess finally sighed a breath of relief, before turning to her tail fin.

"Ugh, those things..." she winced, as she spread her healing magic across her injury. Immediately she felt much better.

Strapping her trident to her back, she lowered her gaze to the sea floor, searching among the jagged rocks for any trace of her brother.

...Surely, he would've come out by now.

"Sidon?" Mipha called, swimming downwards, being cautious as to avoid protruding stems of coral.

There was no answer. Worry began filling her chest.

"Sidon? Where are you!" She shouted this time, to still no avail.

Thankfully, before she could begin to fully panic, she heard the sound of a raspy, yet benevolent voice.

"Are you by chance looking for this little one?" It asked from behind her.

Beauty In The Water | A Mipha and Revali FanfictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя