Off To Castle Town

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The absolute shock that filled little Riju's face upon meeting Mipha was very much expected. Yunobo was still cowered near the door, a nervous look on his face.

Earlier that day, once the two rito had finished with their daily fishing duties, they'd stopped by the street Riju and Yunobo lived on, informing them they had something they ought to see.

And thankfully, Teba had told his family he'd be gone longer in advance.

"Woah!" Riju exclaimed, rushing up to her, "Revali wasn't joking; you've got legs!"

Mipha flushed red. Conversing with new people wasn't exactly her expertise.

"Thank you?" She managed to say. "It's courtesy of our people's oracle..."

After a moment, Yunobo finally stepped forward; it seemed he finally understood Mipha had no intention and was in no position to hurt him.

"And you are?" Mipha asked him, trying her hardest to sound friendly.

"Yunobo!" The goron stammered, extending a hand for her to shake.

"Teba told us you're here to stop the feud!" Riju chimed in again.

Secretly, the zora princess could only wish she had as much excitement and hope as the young gerudo. Truth was, even with the extra help of her newfound company, the task of speaking with Zelda still felt daunting.

"That's...the plan," she sighed, "I'm just...terrified..."

Yunobo scratched the back of his head, offering a small smile. "I would be too..."

Revali cut in. "Well, we're not getting any further to peace if we're just standing here. How does one arrange a meeting at the castle?"

Teba, who had reassumed his place on the living room chair gave a low hum.

"A letter to the princess herself might work but that would take ages. Perhaps we just ask the guards outside the gates, and they'll grant us entry," he suggested.

"Show up to the castle with a zora in tow?" Riju questioned him, "They'd absolutely have us apprehended."

The thought of being thrown in a dungeon made Mipha's insides twist. Even worse, she'd hate to be the reason for any trouble the others could get into.

"We could always disguise her until we get to the castle..." Revali suggested, to everyone's surprise.

"That almost sounds worse!" Yunobo squeaked, his scrawny legs beginning to buckle.

"It's just until we get into the castle, we'll be alright," Revali spoke nonchalantly. "Just so we don't scare anyone before we get there is all."

Teba's gaze lowered in thought before he spoke.

"If it's only until we request meeting with her highness, then Revali makes a fair point, we wouldn't want to frighten anyone," he explained.

Now that Yunobo and Riju had had time to think it through, their fear had eased.

"Urbosa might have something she could wear..." the young gerudo offered, "Mipha, you ought to come with me."


"So Revali really saved you? That's a first..." Riju said, passing Mipha a long cloak with a hood.

The zora princess accepted it and giggled.

"He did," she replied, looking down at the cloak in her hands. "No offense, Riju, but I almost think this would attract more attention to me than without it," she said, draping the long dark fabric over her shoulders.

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