Unexpected Surprise

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"She's where?!" King Dorephan's thunderous voice asked the oracle, who stood in front of his throne.

Despite his commanding presence and frighteningly loud tone, the oracle, who was substantially smaller than the king, responded calm and collected.

"Your highness, you asked for my assistance. This is how we help our kingdom," she explained.

"This is no time for childish animosity and violence. Peaceful negotiations are in order and your daughter is the exact person for the job."

Dorephan inhaled a deep breath, trying his hardest to calm himself. By his side was Sidon, who could only watch nervously as the conversation continued.

"I trust your judgement more than anyone else's in the sea, but you've sent her off to go meddle with those...wretched people..." he grunted.

"You know I would have never pressured your daughter into doing something I thought she couldn't do. I gave her the option and she took the chance herself," the oracle reassured him.

"You've raised a compassionate and educated princess. She shall represent her kingdom splendidly."

The king took in her words with a worried look still on his face, although thankfully, it seemed some of his fear had settled.

"Thank you for informing me, oracle. If my daughter is our kingdom's last hope, then so be it."


"What a catch today!" Teba said, letting out a breath of relief.

He and Revali had just gotten back from the marketplace, where they typically dropped off their fish to be sold. The location they'd picked that morning reaped huge heaps of fish, and the two were in particularly high spirits.

"Truly a shame my net broke..." Revali grumbled, setting down his things in front of his house as he pulled the damaged net from his bag.

Teba gave him a sympathetic shrug. "That just means we did well today." He said as he walked up the steps.

"Also, thanks for letting me keep my things at your place. Who knew having Tulin would take up so much storage..."

Revali laughed. "Having children will do that to you," he sighed. "I'll be there in a moment, I'm gonna try and see if I can rethread this net..."

The white rito gave a nod of his head, scooped up his fishing rod and other supplies and headed into the house.

Revali worked through the knots and tears in the netting. They were unbelievably annoying and by the looks of it, he'd have to get a new one.

"This blasted thing is so..."

His frustrated sentence was abruptly interrupted by the sound of a gasp, followed by a high-pitched shriek.

It didn't take him long before he put two and two together. His heart dropped and he dashed inside as quick as he could.

When he walked into the main living area, the scene before him was rather chaotic to say the least.

Mipha, was crouched by one of the chairs on the floor while Teba stood with his bow drawn and arrow ready to fire.

"Revali! There's a zora in here!" He shouted once he'd seen his friend arrive.

"Hold your fire, let me explain!" Revali replied, holding a wing up to stop him.

Just below them, Mipha shook like a leaf, her hands over top her head, weakly shielding herself.

Teba was rightfully confused, and the bow in his hands lowered slightly.

"What?" He asked, looking between the zora on the floor and his friend with a puzzled look on his face.

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