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Four months passed like nothing. I'm exhausted from school and all the studying. I can wait to pass one last exam so I can finally be free. It's June now and everyone go out to party, swim and have fun, while I'm in my room with the Biology book. The last and the most important exam. I need to pass it if I want to go on a Medicine college.

I was studying all day. It's 8pm. now.

"Hey Vanja! Can I come in?" mom said as she knocked on the door.

"Yeah!" I said still looking at the book.

"What are you doing?"

"Having fun with the Biology book."

"Look on the bright side, when you pass that exam, you will hang out just like others."

"I know, but all my friends are having fun right now, while I'm sitting here with this dumb book. I wanna cry!" I said and put my hands over my face.

"I came to see how is it going, but not so good as I can see."

"I'm just tired. But the exam is in a 5 days and I have to learn all this. I have to pass that exam mom!"

"You have already learned two books. This is the last one. I believe that you will learn it. Maybe you should make a little break. You have studied all day."

"Ahh...maybe you are right."

"Even if you don't pass it, but I'm sure you will, just know that I'm so proud of you." she said and hugged me from behind.

"Thanks mom! Can you make me something to eat please?"

In that moment, someone rang the doorbell.

"I'll get it." mom said and walked out.

I decided to finish this lesson, so I can make a break after it. After a few minutes, I heard voices and laughs. Then I heard the foot steps going upstairs. Someone knocked on my door.

"Come on in!" I said looking at the book.

The door opened, but I didn't know who came in. I was sure that it was just Mat trying to scare me or mom. But I was wrong.

"How's my girl?" he said.

"Pablo? What are you doing here?" I said raising my head to face him. He was standing above me.

"I came here t see you. We don't see each other these days. I missed you!" he said.

"I missed you too, but I had to study. This is the last and the most important exam and I have to remember all this. I have already learned two books, but it's so hard. I can't do this anymore. While everyone is outside, having fun, partying all night, I'm stuck here with this shit, trying to remember anything I read. But my brain just doesn't work like I want. I can't remember anything and THE EXAM IS IN 5 DAYS! I'm going to fail, my life is.... " I said as I stood up and started walking around the room.

" Hey hey! Slow down girl! I have never seen you so stressed about the school. " he said as he took my hand and sat me on my bed.

"I'm stressed. If I don't pass this, I won't be able to see you every day and to work with you. That's the problem! I should have start to study earlier, this is the end... It's over..."

"It's not over Vanja! You have learned two books and you are half way of the third. Maybe you can't remember anything now, because you are stressed, but trust me, everything will be fine when you go on that exam."

"But what if I don't pass it?" I said and put my hands on my face. My eyes filled with tears.

"Oh come on Vanja! I know you will. I believe in you! You are smart and bright girl. Nothing can stop you. Soon you will come to our practice every day and we will hang out." he said as he moved me hands from my face. He then smile and I wanted to faint. I can't this boy! He is so cute!

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