His eyes

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"Look there is Pedri!" Maddie said.

"And Gavi!" I added.

"Are you two in love or something?" Mat and Caleb asked us.

"We are not!" Maddie and I said at the same time.

"You are both in love with two best friends." Caleb said.

"We are not in love Caleb!" Maddie said.

"Yeah right. Since when do you love Barcalona?"

"Since now."

"See! I knew it! Maddie is in love!"

"Next time I won't bring you with me!"

"I'll shut up." he said turning back.


The game started and it was okay at first. Lewandowski tried to score in the third minute, but nothing.
But then in the 18th minute...HERE'S THE GOAL !

Pedri scored as everyone stood up in excitement. Maddie jumped up and started cheer ing so loud. I have never seen her cheering like this. She probably won't cheer for Real like this.

"I can't believe it!" she said.

"Believe! Your crush just scored." I said and smiled.

"You have to say that huh?!"

"I had to!"

I saw Gavi running and jumping on Pedri. He looked so happy. I'm proud on both of them. Gavi was looking in the crowd, trying to find us. Then our eyes met. He smiled so sweet and I smiled back. I felt butterflies in my stomach and my ears started to burn.
I like him...really like him...

After Pedri scored, Lewandowski tried a few times, but he didn't make it. Raphinha was the same. The game ended 1:0 for Barca.


Everyone started leaving and we headed to the exit too. Mat and Caleb had to go to the bathroom, so I showed them where it was. I remembered when Gavi show us, so this time we couldn't get lost.

Maddie and I were in the hallway, waiting for them to get out. She was stalking Pedri's Instagram, while I was watching her and laughing.

"If someone had told me that you will start loving Barca because of him, I wouldn't believe him."

"It is how it is. I'm just a human and I made some mistakes. But my biggest mistake is that I haven't come to watch them earlier."

"You are right about that."

"When they have next match?"

"I don't know, but we will go, don't worry!" I said and winked.

"Bet you liked the game girls!" someone said standing behind us.
We turned around and saw Pedri.

"We sure did! You were great!" I said.

"He was amaizing, not great!" Maddie corrected me.

"Thank you girls! Are you waiting for someone?"

"Yeah, our brothers went to the bathroom and we are waiting for them to came out." Maddie said.

"Well I'll wait with you then. I wanna met them."

"Sure, cool!" Maddie said and they keep talking about something, while I got a message. It was from Gavi.


Where are you?

In the hallway

Can you come to the locker room

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